Sniper Turret Build For Road Kill Xp Farm - Easiest Way To Farm Level & Weapon Xp - Payday 3


Today I'll be showing you a sniper turret build that you can use for the Roadkill XP farm. Now you can do this on a normal, very hard Overkill. It really makes no difference besides difficulty. Obviously, if you're going up, make sure that you're with a good team. This is a very laid-back way to do this farm as well, because you're only going to be posting up in two positions in the game, and then you just run to the x-fill now if you want the end for weapon.

If you post up to the left of there, you can just mow them down. Eighty percent of the spawns just jump over the wall, and you mow them down. Just make sure if you guys get low on health. Someone can make it to the X-File safely, so you technically complete it, but you don't get like 500 or a thousand kills and don't even get credit for them.

I don't know how it works when you don't complete the mission exactly, so just make sure you're getting credit for all your kills, so you can use any sniper for this run. You can use the 20 million snipers; any sniper will do. Your pistol doesn't matter as much for the most part because the turrets are covering your back.

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It's actually really sweet how little you actually have to watch your back and your flank with this build and where you're positioning. Now, for your Overkill weapon, it doesn't matter either. I'm giving them the sniper rifle. I'm not even going and picking it up. I'm trying to drop it in. The side that they're on after I go there, and if they pick it up, they're going to be running heavy ballistic because we're not running.

We're just posting twice. Keep the frag grenades, because you might as well throw one or two. When they group up, if you're low on MAG or you've got to swap out the turrets, I use the motion sensor, and I'll show you exactly where I set up the motion sensor as well. So for the skills, the first one we're going to take is mower.

And this is just when we reload our weapon, we get Edge, and then we have suppressive fire. As long as we have Edge, every shot from our weapon has a chance to inflict a heavy stagger. I'm not going to actually read them all off; I'll just give you the title of them, and then we have to replenish so we get our ammo back as we get kills, and then we're going to be taking this engagement because once in a while we do have that stalker come up.

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At least if the turret doesn't get him right away, then we can just disable one. I haven't even gotten the run yet, so I had to use a second disable either the turret's got him or occasionally, once really quickly. I hit disable before the turrets got them so I could recover faster. Next, we're going to be taking sharpshooters, and we're going to be taking cutting shots, so while we do have Edge, we get armor penetration.

And we're going to be taking steps to increase our ad speed now. I have Swift equipped for The Escapist category; this is only for basically going from this spot to where they are a little bit faster and also making it to the X-File a little bit faster, and I also took two extra grenades in case I want to throw a little bit extra frags and speed up when they do spawn, and on the left, they spawn in really heavy, so like when you see like eight enemies drop on the left side, you can toss a couple frags like I do in this one right here now.

I'm not sure if you can get more; you can't really add more. That's really going to benefit you in the sniping aspect. I mean, you could put Swift on and run a little bit faster on the x-fill if we do end up getting more points, but that's the build right there for the skill tree and for the motion sensor, where I'm aiming right now.

At the truck, you want to put it in the middle on the right and there on the left, with all the dead bodies. You're going to put it in the middle there as well. This is so you can see when they spawn behind the truck and know which way they're going. Also, your teammates can see, and it helps out a lot in this mission.

I realized after I started doing that like 50 missions ago that it is really nice to see exactly where they spawn, and you can also drop the snipers so quick so you don't have to deal with the snipers; you're in a position to take that one out, and the group really isn't being bothered by the sniper on the right.

This is a really easy way to do this XP farm, especially if you like sniping to begin with, like I do, and I'll do things like running and gunning. I kind of play it all, but as you can see right there, when there's that many, if they aren't getting straight mode down, you can throw a frag or two, you don't even wait for your turrets to overheat whenever it's slow, or you see that you can safely just quickly get it up without really sacrificing, damage on the board, or a bulldozer that needs to go quickly.

Swap out your turrets and make sure they're always firing, because you do get flanked as well. You are going to probably have like 10 or so enemies come up behind you, and you want to make sure that your turrets are basically never broken, so ideally, when they do get to that point of like smoking it on fire, make sure to pick them up and put them down.

Do that over taking another head shot or two because your turrets will put in work, and if you get flanked, you can get hurt badly. While those turrets are firing, you know that they're behind, and then you can quickly turn and take those dudes out, and then you can get back to the main battle, so once again, make sure that your turrets are basically never broken, and don't even worry about the sniper on the right; it's a waste of time.

For example, in between the waves, if you want to go put one head on, take them out real quick just to get a little bit more on your overkill on another kill. Go do that, but other than that, completely ignore the sniper on the right. As long as you cover your team and you can even have two people doing this, you do need somebody to actually do the bags, but you don't actually want to drop down as well because you covering in that position and replacing the turrets is more beneficial than you going down and helping with the bags because if they do get enemies coming while they're doing that, at least you're sure that those enemies are going to die, and now really quickly.

I will show you a visual of my loadout and skill tree, just for everybody who prefers a visual. Here we have the loadout; if you need to, you can go back and pause, and here we have the skill tree. It helps others find the article. I hope this helped.

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