So, Payday 3 Is Kinda Weird



payday 3 is out and people are playing you okay and I've personally played a cool seven hours and more like 20 because I played both the open betas but the new stuff about seven hours now you know I don't like to make you guys wait Payday 3 is a 7.1 out of 10. You know I love my decimal points.

So let's get into the article.


Kind of before I even get into the article. Sorry to bait you guys. Payday 2 is a legendary game that still has players to this day. Even with the sequel out, there's still a player base. It's kind of surreal to be playing this game, you know, but that also brings disadvantages, which we'll get into later because the expectations are so high.

So with that said, let's actually get into the article from the first heist you load into in Payday 3. It feels like a Payday game, and the reason this is important is because this game took a giant leap from a shitty poverty engine that Payday 2 is on to the Unreal Engine 5.


dev diary

So there was a possibility that the feel of payday would have been lost in the transition or in a watered-down version of what payday used to feel like, but I'm happy to say that this is payday intense, relentless combat cautious, precise stealth depth, and customization.

How did they forget the safe house? Let's get into the combat, which I always like to go over first because, let's be honest, here it's the most important. Payday 3's combat has been overhauled to catch up with current shooters. I'd actually go as far as to say that the combat is the best thing about this game.

By far, shooting these endless waves of cops is less tedious than it was because the guns feel so goddamn good. All of them feel really different too, so you can find a gun that fits your playstyle impact is good Those sexy animations of reloading—they nailed this. It's better than a weapon; customization isn't too different from the first game, but you'll have new attachment categories, and this is all unlocked simply by using the weapon and upgrading it, not to make sure new mechanics like sliding and they're still being kind of a floaty jump make payday just as fun and Arcadia as it used to be.

I think a big part of it too is how realistically the cops react to your bullets. The blood splatters, like where they should, and the ragdoll balls fall over really satisfyingly. I love it, man; however, the AI for the cops is a slow-key dog. It's definitely not as good as they said, and we're hyping it up today. Sometimes the cops are just bring dead and won't shoot at you; they look in the wrong directions; you know, they take a long time to react, and that sort of stuff gets Back to the customization, there is actually grip.



In this game, you can be iced out head to toe because now there's new suit customization and glove customization; all of this is purchased with in-game currency too, so it's not like you have to reach into your wallet for thirty dollars to buy a [__] suit, even though some of those in-game suits are taxed.

I'm not gonna lie, and there is more mass customization, allowing you to really complete the whole designer outfit; however, build customization.


In this game, he's kind of asking, and I'm really devastated to say that in Payday 2, when you chose to build it, Low-key dictated the way you had to play.

You're an all-stealth build; you were doing stealth [__]. If you were an all-engineer build, you were doing loud However, in Payday 3, there are no more abilities, taking away that part of the game completely. For example, in Payday 2, there was the ability that allowed you to revive your teammates from a distance or convert police to friends.


If you have that ability now, there's nothing even like that there; there are only buffs, so for example, when I place down ammo, it's going to have 25 percent more. I revived my teammates 25 times fast. When I shoot 30 times. I get a random reload speed buff thing like that, and that takes away from being a specialist on a team and only affects the way that you play the game, so now my build isn't really fitting into a spot within my heisting squad; it's more of just what I prefer, and hey, that's another way to go, but I feel like that's a lot less cool than what they had before.

I missed when you would go into a squad and be like. All right, you're an engineer, so you can make the drill go faster; I'm a mastermind, so I can pick lock faster [__ like that doesn't happen anymore]. Skill points have lost a lot of weight, and I'm sad about that. Also, there are only four gadgets in this game; there are only four throwables; and there are only 17 weapons.

In this game, you know it's the launch. I'm not upset about this amount of content, but I am a little bit upset. It does feel a little bit low. I wish there was more weapon diversity, as much as they feel different. I wish there was more, and that going with the skill system right now really limits how unique your character can be and how different your build can be because not only are there not really skills that make you unique, but there aren't even the weapons and throwables to.



When it comes to heists in Payday 3, there are eight of them, some good, some bad.

I made a article about Payday 3 in the past talking about how replayability was going to be a problem, not because eight heists aren't enough, but because those eight heists won't all be fully complete. Thorough heists for example the second heist that you'll play in Payday 2 will have you on a bridge escort, a truck take the money out of the truck and, [ __ ] leave there's not even a drilling process there's only an escort process and the highest is over it's almost like a Mini Mission and that is what I mean the bank heist isn't that diff really simple the both stealth and loud like one to two objectives and you're [ __ ] done and the jewelry store heist isn't that interesting already there are three heists that I'll play a couple times but, not really that many times after that and this is what I was afraid of because now we have to wait for the season and releases for them to have more heists in the game to make it feel more full in terms of the quality of the good heist excellent.

There are also way more side objectives inside interactables. Within these heights that you can initiate with your eyes, while yes, many of the heists might be boring, some of them are truly amazing to stealth on as well.



The developers got really creative with ways that you can rob places with stealth, which is obviously a massive part of payday, and the developers hit the nail on the head when it came to it. They could release Payday as a game with just stealth, and I'd probably still buy it. The same intensity of nerves is back when crouching through, you know, an art gallery with security infesting all the hallways at night.

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