Stuff Like This Is Why I Stop Pre-ordering Games And Buying Gold Edition. Payday 3


I have got my son here, so I'm going to try to make this short and sweet, but for anyone kind of curious right here. I just came from trying to make an hour-long stream, and this right here is why you don't pre-order gold versions of article games anymore. I've spent 120 bucks along with a lot of books, not boxes, but 120 bucks basically, again, that upon release date, PlayStation 5 players cannot even play.

We who have bought this were promised three free days or three days in advance to play before the actual launch. We can't even play it on the first day of launch; the moment it launched, as a matter of fact, it was so bad. Amir himself was getting bombarded by PlayStation players getting pissed off and demanding that, in reality, I believe this to be true.

We deserve it. They say that we deserve compensation for it. I don't think it needs to go that far, but I also think something needs to be done, like PlayStation players. Of course that [__] thing would take on, and what I mean by that is that we're sitting here on an old version of the game. Amir literally contacted Sony, and they said that this is an old patch now; therefore, it is not the payday gang fault in my eyes; it is the fault of Sony.

Yes, but at the same time, I feel like payday could have been. I don't know; I just beat holes that we're getting three free days and now possibly any PlayStation user. [__] Jesus, that thing is so stupid. Sorry, the thing that goes off whenever you say the console's name keeps going off—the theory thing.

You turn that thing off, don't I buddy foreign, but anyway, I'm just making this as a heads up that right now, if you are a PlayStation user, the game is unplayable. You can go in here, you can hit match, let's go, and you can match. Which is a weird way of spelling that and it won't go to any game you can hit quick join it will won't go to any game you can even hit quick play and you will not get a game to play so basically what this means is if you are a PlayStation user you just got screwed Intel PlayStation deems it best to play it, so from this day forward, the message I'm trying to get people to understand is, don't pre-order games on gold editions that say they're going to give you an extra couple of days because they don't, and there are so many people that are pissed off about this that we feel like we wasted 120 bucks when the silver edition literally gives you a few outfits.

I mean, that's basically what we bought—the Silver Edition over here on Sony. Anyway, I'm going to get back upstairs. Currently. Xbox and PC players are able to enjoy all the fun of this game, and while we're sitting over here with our thumbs up and praying that we even get the bucket to play it tonight, yes, with that being said.

I'm going to end this article here. I was looking forward to making copious amounts of content for this game, but as per usual, I'm a console player for this game, so I'm pretty used to being [__] over anyway. Enjoy the rest of your

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