The Fastest Way To Earn Cash Payday 3



Whenever a new payday game comes out, the first question I ask myself is: How am I going to get rich this time and with quite a few mechanics changing in Payday 3 at launch, the answer isn't always the easiest to come by do you want to spam Bank highs for the large payout hit your restores repeatedly with Hit and Run tactics or is there some crazy mechanic like crime spree to circumvent it all well, in Payday 3 at launch the answer is staring us right in the face at the moment, but there's only one heist that can pay out up to 1 million in spending cash that consistently takes less than 10 minutes to complete, and that is xiao's road rage.

Heist yep, the Army transport escort mission that I initially thought would be quite challenging to complete due to its hectic spawn logic is the easiest way to farm money in Payday 3. Of all the cash earned on a heist dictated by the difficulty you play it on with road rage, it is very hard to pay out around $800,000 maximum.

And with just over one million on Overkill, you might be daunted by the extra difficulty Overkill offers, but in all honesty, if you have the strategy down on this one, it's well worth it for the extra 200 000 per run. If not, don't be embarrassed by running this one down very hard, especially if you're playing solo, as the bag movement can be brutal, but do know the whole process will be slower.

First up, ideally, you'd be running this with a team, as crew AI can be a little silly on Overkill. You're also going to want to memorize the spawn locations of all the potential transport roadblocks to get most of them out of the way before you EMP the van. This setup phase will make your life a whole lot easier, which is why your first and second attempts at this house are going to feel like a massive jump down in difficulty.



The van is electric, and you have control of it. The first thing I like to do is grab a civilian and walk backwards with the van.

You can also look to pick enemies off quickly with a longer-range weapon here, but I think it's just easier to conserve resources at the stage of the heist, and the super mechanic is quite useful for that once. The spawn intensity gets a little too much for you, though you can drop the serve and just start clearing the area around the van in total.

If you've set it up correctly, it'll take about two minutes to get the van to the platform. From there, you just need to drill your way in, as this area is quite nicely defensible. It won't take long for you to get inside the Army transport and stop picking and blocking the lock boxes. If you're doing this solo, you're going to want the quick fingers skill equipped to speed this up massively.


As soon as you find a few materials, you need to grab them to trigger a spawn. Shea. Will either say violet spawning on the North side which is opposite the buildings on the right side of the bridge as you face away from the van or the South which is opposite the chimneys to the left you're, going to want to move the loot and set up the scaffolding on either side as this is pretty much the point at which you'll be home free.

I found the final alert assault once you secure the loot really isn't that bad, as you're often halfway down the road before anything truly dangerous spawns. Even the snipers shouldn't be too much of an issue, as they need to have line of sight from the target for an extended period before they fire their shot, and it seems that going into and out of cover resets their shooting timer.

If you have an efficient team, it's possible to sub-seven minutes, with this one earning you 1 million, forty-six thousand and ten dollars. If you don't shoot any shots, that's a hundred and fifty thousand dollars per minute, or almost 9 million per hour, which is pretty efficient for me, especially if you want to access those really powerful 20 million dollar preset weapons like the VF7s.



That's essentially it for this tutorial; there's nothing more complicated than that, and I'll leave you with a little bit of Reinfeld Sniper gameplay.

This weapon really surprised me. Heist or strategy, as I'm still keen to learn, but for right now, especially if you have a decent squad, it seems like the road rage speedrun is going to be your best bet for consistent money farming in Payday 3. Stick around on the channel. I'll be sharing how to best farm for weapon and skill experience shortly.

Eventually, I'll figure out how to power level. Truth be told, that could be a long time coming, as I'm still not even close to infamy 100 myself.

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