The Story Of Payday In Under 10 Minutes


The story of payday starts with humble beginnings. Four men with unique criminal backgrounds were brought together by an experienced handler to riq havoc on the streets of New York. Dallas. Hawton chains, and Wolf, all from different walks of life, each bringing a unique skill set to the team christened the payday gang.

The heisting master, M. Bane, had the experience and connections to facilitate a crime spree like no other, stealing priceless diamonds, tearing a money-laden panic room straight from a building, and extorting $25 million from a corrupt IRS employee. Nothing Was Out of Reach on the crew's first crime wave, least of all the Priceless May and gold held within the secret reserve of the First World Bank.

By pulling off the heist of the century, the gang put into motion a series of events that would change the course of America irrevocably. The code name is Overdrill. Heist was so high-profile, it only made sense that Bane's top crew should lie low for at least 12 months during the Hiatus disaster.

Someone had been badly wronged by their first spree, and Hawton, the violent Brit, was arrested by the FBI, tried, and swiftly imprisoned for his involvement in the gang's crimes. Weeks later, Bane contacted the remaining three drafting in Dallas's younger brother to Phil Hawson's shoes to mask up once again.


This time, he turned their efforts against the capital and the elites in Washington, DC. From bank to jewelry store, the crew continued exactly where they'd left off in 2012. Their contacts continue to grow in the process. Of course, their continued success was going to draw unwanted attention too.

A man known as the dentist circumvented Bane Black by mailing Dallas, the Cru de facto leader, on the ground to do a series of jobs for him directly, the caveat being that he had the power to arrange a breakout for their all-gang mate Haon. In pursuing that end, the dentist job never felt right. An imposing A bank hosted a hit on a Russian kingpin during a museum raid in search of a supposedly cursed diamond.


However, he did hold up his end of the bargain, not only arranging a stage retrial for Hawton, which provided the perfect opportunity to break him out, but also organizing a hit on an FBI safe house with a rat who betrayed Haw. Haw was burned out, to no one's surprise. It was Hector, who'd worked with the police after his prince was found all over Drill's Bounty.

During this period, the crew also began to expand after Hon's return, making them five. Within the year, they'd be joined by the likes of Jacket Clover and even John Wick, with Dallas's brother taking on the name Houston. One notable addition was Jiro, an ex-yakaza from Japan who saw answers in the US regarding his missing son Kento.

The dentist final heist took the crew to Vegas to The Golden Green Casino, where they drafted the ad for Suul, a Russian heisting prodigy. The loose on this heist was unlike any other the crew had seen before; a golden coffer that once delivered saw the dentist vanish as quickly as he'd appeared. Now that the gang had the wind at their backs, growing exponentially in gaining a European contractor in the butcher.


DC's political figureheads were under pressure to put the now-infamous gang to the sword, but even after bolstering their ranks with the likes of Commissioner Garris and Captain Winters, the spree continued with little interruption. After meeting Jimmy, a drug-addict genius, the crew went truly global, taking the fight to Aan, a supposed Paras psychic over in Russia.

It was clear that no job was out of the gang's reach. Joined by the Lees of Rust and supported by Wick's people over at the Continental, they were untouchable, or so they thought. Vernon Lock proved otherwise by hacking the crew's criminal network. CrimNet, and demanding they cooperate with him, an agent of Murky Waterer, one of the few groups that consistently resisted the payday gang in the past.

Lock saw more of a future within Bane's organization than the corrupt Murky War company, so he turned the crew's considerable resources against his former employer, alongside recruiting famed criminal bod to the cause, although Lock proved to be just as fickle in his loyalty to the payday gang, betraying them, and the butcher to Commissioner Garrett up in Alaska.


Yet in another twist, it turned out that this betrayal had been staged to give Lo amnesty and succeed Bane as the head of payday gang operations. As a certain group was out for blood, the Kataru, a mysterious cult-like organization determined to change the world as anticipated during a heist in La Bane's own Safe House in DC, was raided, forcing Lock to intervene and steer the gang out of the Kataru-orchestrated ambush.

What we'd later learn was that this conflict had been bubbling since the inception of payday in 2011. To better understand, the lot contacted August Hurst, better known as Juke, a refined man with criminal inclinations who knew more about the Kataru than anyone else alive. He explained that whoever led the Kataru sought access to BN's lament, an ancient and powerful device.


To access it first and potentially rescue Bane, the crew would need to go artifact hunting at the Brooklyn Bank Washington FBI headquarters and murky Water's hidden storage facility deep in the South. Henry's Rock, the picture was becoming more clear. There were actually two more gold coins, just like the dentists from back in the golden grin.

Kataru sought out all three, as together they were the key to lament and whatever power it held. Kento Jiro's son was also finally located, but he was already indoctrinated and working as a Qatari lieutenant and leader of the murky water branch, which served as their private army. The dentist had been using the gang all along with the elephant, and even Vlad had some deep connection to these boxes.

According to Juke's Theory, they were the three primeval humans who'd lived for an eternity, influencing the human race at the behest of an alien species known to us as the Nephilim. This technological marvel displayed maps and riddles written in the alien language of the Nephilim. When deciphered, it led the payday gang to a location known as the Ark of the Watcher, which was said to house BN's lament.

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