Thinking Of Buying Payday 3 For Playstation 5. Watch This First


Well, hello there, and welcome back to a brand new article. In today's article, guys, I wanted to give you guys an update regarding payday-free when it comes to the PlayStation 5. So payday-free as of today, as of the 18th of September 18, 2023. Why not let's just throw out the year, even though you guys know what year it is.

I said that a few hours ago I was trying to play Payday free on the PS5 and we were able to log in, which was a success, but we were also able to play the tutorial, but apart from that, we couldn't create our own match, we couldn't find a match, we couldn't do anything. We finally found out why, and according to Payday themselves, the PlayStation version that is live right now is an incredibly old version that they apparently have no control over.

Sony, they say, has pushed out the wrong version of the game. Apparently, it's fine on Xbox and PC, and obviously, as we know of Xbox and PC, it's kind of almost the same game when it comes to Microsoft, but when it comes to PlayStation, it's obviously a little bit different now. I can't play this, and I was like, I don't know if it was a server thing.

early access

You know, whatever a new game comes out like, most of the time it's something you know you can't play because of the servers, but anyway. I want to share with you quickly the information we have so far, so we have a person, right? We have a wonderful chap called Andreas, so Andreas is the lead producer.

Andreas is their lead producer on Payday Free, and he's, for some reason, listed in his bio as the ex-producer of Payday 2 and paid for it. I don't know why I mean he's the producer for Payday Free as a whole as a collective, but that's what it is anyway. He has mentioned that there have been some issues regarding the PlayStation 5, which is very frustrating, especially for someone or anyone who has bought Early Access.

For example, if I think you want the silver edition. I think it was an extra 20 or 25 pounds, and if you bought the gold edition, it was actually 40 pounds in total, so technically, we are at a loss because we can't play it again, like one reason why we pay extra and the one reason why these publishers are.


Allowing us to play the game early is paying for a premium, right? A lot of us do want to play the game early, especially content creators and people who are very enthusiastic about the game. Hardcore fans really want to play, but the big issue is that for PS5 players, we simply can't play the game.

We can play the tutorial back-to-back, but it eventually gets very repetitive and very boring, right? Anyway, so Andrea said five hours ago that the game was available at 4 p.m. Okay, time he said there's an hour later. Literally, one hour later. He could have said it much earlier; they probably knew about this, but anyway, one hour later.

Andreas Has said this PS5 players for reasons out of our control, you are currently playing an older version of the game. Sony is working on rolling up the proper patch, which is very odd and very interesting indeed, and let's just say the comment section is, hmm, it's not the best. There's been a lot of people replying to this who are simply not happy, and some people are saying, you know, unfortunate.


To see, but it was out of your control. I'm out of your control. You know something—we're joking around. Someone said something here. That's definitely something you should have told PlayStation players before it was released, i.e., before they no longer had the chance to cancel their pre-order.

Shady someone saying exactly they literally pulled a CDPR and yet don't even have the heart to apologize to their fan base. Someone said, How do we have an older version of the game? Well, we didn't even have a beta, yeah, because I think the beta was only on PC. I think because there was an open beta, it wasn't there for payday.

I bet 120 dollars to play the game three days early, and that is it, so that was that, and then the payday themselves right, so payday themselves a few hours later, so the PS5 fix is still ongoing cool, and then an hour ago for me, so it's almost 11 p.m. Here now in the UK, they have said PS5 heisters, we're still working on resolving the version issue and to get you in the game for play early, stay tuned for updates.

patch update

But since then, we've heard nothing, so when could it be available? It might be tomorrow. I mean. I'm hoping it is, but it is a bit odd, you know, and so I do want to bring you guys articles, and so right now. I mean, all the articles I'm kind of producing are game updates and all that stuff, but I did produce a article today on all the weapons.

I gotta do a article on kind of me playing; what was it me playing? The tutorial and all that stuff, so I'm genuinely curious. But yeah, it is kind of annoying, but we can't play it. I'm hoping that maybe it's highly unlikely that we're going to get a refund, but if it's not fixed by tomorrow, maybe we will.

I don't know if it's going to be interesting. We'll see what happens, but it is what it is.

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