Touch The Sky - All 4 Heist Specific Favors Explained (payday 3)



Sometimes a free red key card will be handed to you. You know things like that. You know these are little, small favors that alter your game in a small way and sometimes in a very, very major way that all depends on the map and, of course, the favors specifically. What you may already know is that there are favors for Ammo armor bags and health bags as well as zipline bags, so you've probably seen those, and those are purchasable.

However, heist-specific favors are not achieved by pure random luck. By successfully beating heists, you have an 80% chance to gain a high-specific favor for a random map. It is not necessarily the map you are playing; it can be any map. Another way, of course, to get these high-specific favors is through the use of mods, which I used for a couple of the high-specific favors in this game, as I was actually missing out on quite a few.

Since my intention was to bring this article to you guys to show all of the high-specific favors. I had a few of those modded in, so without further ado, let's go ahead and get to the 4 high-specific favors for Touch The Sky started out, and we got to touch the sky for an additional secure point.

Additional secure point

Additional secure point

Now we have yet another secure point here. This is something like the fourth time we have this favor.

Usually, I'm pretty excited about these because an additional secure point does help out quite a bit, and I was quite surprised about something for this map. The additional secure point does not disappoint, the reason being that the additional secure point is actually downstairs. The security room is quite a safe place for you to turn in your loot.

You don't have to go outside and take care of the guard that's protecting the elevator. As you may know, when you play this map regularly, you have to drop the loot outside, in the elevator. That is protected by a security guard, so usually you'll have to get rid of that security guard to even deliver the bags.

But with this one, you're able to do it inside. Dimension, this van over here will open up for you, and you can just drop the loot in there, and I actually quite enjoy this. I have never used this favor before, but I could see this being extremely useful for stealth runs, especially those solo stealth runs, as it will save you a little bit of work and quite a bit of time, so yeah, this is quite a decent one. Now moving on to the second high-specific favor We've got the vomiting agent.

Vomiting agent

Vomiting agent

If you've played Touch the Sky solo stealth, then you'll know that somewhere in one of the bathrooms on the map there will be a glass with poison in it that you will be utilizing later on in the run to be able to poison.

Mason who is the owner of this Penthouse that you're at so that you can get him to flush out to the bathroom so that you can get him as a human shield and carry him into the Vault so that he can unlock it for you however with this favor poison agents are right in the spawn as soon as you spawn there will be a couple of boxes piled up in front of you that you can just loot the poisons from there and essentially you don't have to look for the poisons in the bathroom now this is a very small time saer, the big Advantage from this I guess is that since there are four, different poisons in the Box this kind of enables you and your whole team to kind of loot the poison rather than just the one that is usually scattered around the map and with this way since all four of you will have a poison it can make it a little bit easier if you are doing a team play solo stealth as everyone will have the poison, and it might be a little bit easier to get somebody to poison that drink. Rather than that one specific person that did loot the poison in the first place, now moving on to the third high specific favor for touching the sky, we've.

Hidden thermite

Hidden thermite

I found a hidden thermite. Essentially, when you are going loud in this map, what you have to do is you have to unlock the master bedroom first and hack all the doors, and then you'll have to find a red key card, which is usually located in the filing room.

However, once you do go loud, this filing room goes under lockdown, and you will have to wait until the helicopter drops off a bag of thermite for you to use on the door so that you're able to open it up with thermite. However, with this favor, essentially, the thermite does not need to be airdropped by the helicopter.

Instead, you will find the thermometer on the stairs. Right next to the spawn on the second floor or on the third floor, whatever floor that is, and this can save you a little bit of time in loud gameplay, and you will have to expose yourself a lot less as you will not be needing to go outside to waste for the thermite, and especially if you're going for a loud Overkill, this can be quite useful, as this will save you a decent amount of time and most likely, a decent amount of armor as well, so overall, this is a pretty decent loud favor.

But yeah, let's go ahead and move on to the last part of this map. The last favor on this map is actually very interesting; we have not seen, as far as I remember, any highly specific favor that actually changes. Where you spawn, which is exactly what this favor does, and it's funny that this is the last favorite that we're covering in the game because it is also the most different one.

Cleaning platform

Cleaning platform

This one is Touch the Sky window cleaning platform, so essentially what happens when you use this favor is that you actually spawn on a window cleaning platform outside of the map instead of spawning by the elevator, and by those stairs, you actually spawn on a platform outside of the map in front of the map, which is quite different than anything we've seen, and not just that, not only do you spawn there, but you can actually bring the bag there that is your secure Point as well: this can be quite useful to take on this map without killing any guards you know since you won't be having to pretty much get rid of that guard in the hallway where you usually deliver the bag, although it should make things a little bit harder to deliver.


If you do choose this path, however, it is pretty interesting nonetheless. It does change up your gameplay quite a bit, and what is also very interesting is that this spawn sticks around even if you go loud. As you can see here, I go loud in the game. However, we can continue to deliver the bags onto this spawn; we do not have to signal the helicopter and deliver it to the helicopter.

We can keep using this cleaning platform and keep delivering the bags there, so I wonder what kind of impact that would have on loud gameplay, but I do expect this to be a bit more useful than delivering it to the chopper. I mean, it is a bit of a pain in the ass to actually get the bags over for this garden here, but other than that, this is a very interesting one, and this was probably the biggest game-changing.

This is the Touch the Sky heist specific favors, that last one was noiice. Try it for yourself! Buy Payday 3.
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