What Is The Maximum Ip We Can Get A Single Heist - Payday 3


Before we start our math journey, I just want to say that, as some of you know, I stream almost every day on Twitch. If you guys want to visit me, it would mean a lot. Now, let's get into the article. First, we have to pick the correct TC for the maximum amount of IP, and that's going to be Cookoff all loot: we get 600 IP for just completing Cookoff all loot, then it is going to be our first completion ever on COF, and we are going to play it on Overkill, so we can get the first completion on Overkill, the first completion on very hard, the first completion on hard, and the first completion on normal, and that will total 520 IP.

After that, we are going to get all loot anyway, but we have a challenge for all loot; it's called pay dirt, and it gives us 50 IP. Another challenge that we can do is complete the ice without going down, which gives us 50 IP. The next challenge is that now that we are cooking with gas, it's a challenge to get a good batch, and it gives us 50 IP.

Another all-loot challenge is that I am the one who knocks all Bs in a bad batch for 100 IP, and the last map-related challenge is full measure to get seven pure bags on Overkill, which will give us 150 IP. For our primary weapon, we are going to choose the War 45 because it's the weapon with the most IP reward on challenges, and we are going to complete every challenge on our War 45 in a single ice.


1,730 IP for our secondary, we are going to pick the s for aison, which is our secondary that gives us more IP on the challenges, and we are going to complete every s force bison challenge for 1,690 IP. For our overkill weapon, we are going to pick the red fox and the sniper, and we are going to complete every challenge in the single It's possible; it's unrealistic, but it's possible for a total of 1,450 IP.

Moving on, we have the special units, Challenges, which are again unrealistic, but we can complete all of them in a single I. For a total of 3,180 IP, our throwable is going to be the throwing knife, and after completing every challenge for the throwing knife, we are going to get 280 IP for our deployable bag.

We can use the ammo bag, armor bag, or medic bag; they all give us the same, and we are going to get the last challenge to deploy 100 of each type of deployable bag for a total of 100 IP for the device. We are going to use the motion sensor, and after completing every challenge on the motion sensor, we get 380 IP.

dirty ice

Now for the melancholy challenges, the first one is going to be Key Master 5 to pick locks. We have two locks that we can pick up and cook off on both sheds outside the house, so we can get the last challenge, just Key Master 5 for 120, IP. The next one is going to be quid pro quo to trade hostages.

We can trade a couple of hostages, so again, we can unlock Quid Proo 5 or 120. IP next one, it's going to be rush job five sprinting through doors. We have a couple of doors that we can spring through for 120 IP. Moving on, we have Ad-Hawk surgery. revive creates unrealistic, but we can revive 60 teammates in the same iist it's possible for 260.

IP too close for comfort four kill guards while detecting you we can get detected by the guards for the five guards that we have on the house when we arrive so technically we can complete the last of this challenge to close for comfort 4 for 100. IP Slip and slide is the challenge that only requires us to slide.


It's possible to be completed in the same I or 260 IP slip and slide shooter and kill enemies while sliding. We are going to complete all of it for 360 IP. Keep your friends close by using human shields. 280-IP soft cover shootout kill enemies while using a human shield, 280 IP, and then we have soft cover.

Dead Eye kills enemies with headshots while using a human shield for 360 IP, and this very unrealistic set of challenges that are possible to complete will total 12,590 IP in a single ice. This is currently the maximum IP we can get in a single ice in Payday 3, even though very unrealistic number but possible for today.

What is the maximum IP we can get in a single heist - Payday 3. I stream almost everyday and I can help you to get any achievement or challenges. Come visit me on twitch.
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