Why I Refunded Payday 3


I think it was a waste of money, but that isn't the reason why I did it. I've been excited for Payday 3 ever since it was initially announced, way back when I was excited for it when it wasn't announced. There were speculations years ago about why I refunded it, and the simple answer to that is so I could buy it again, Federa.

I feel stupid for doing this, but it's a game that I am actually extremely excited for. I have masks from Payday 2; the four original masks are in old articles; you can see them, but why did I refund them? Now, the problem with the collector's edition is that you can't buy it for PC, which I play off, but there's a caveat, and the caveat is that you can buy it just in a different country, so what I did was find out that you can go on Amazon.

Germany and I will show you right now what I'm talking about. What I found out, which blew me away, is that you can just type in Amazon. Germany Obviously, it's nothing special because the internet is the internet. You can go on here and type, and there it is because I did this yesterday, canceled it, and bought this instead, as you can see right here, a Payday 3 collected edition PC.

collectors edition

Now, do I think this is worth it? no, I don't. I don't know why I actually did it. I really don't, because not only is it 40 pounds, but I think it's 40 pounds more than the Gold Edition. All you get are a few little physical things. Yeah, playing cards, which are pretty cool, I did it for the mask.

The mask looks goofy. I don't understand what the mask is, but I'm sure we'll see some sort of significance from it in the game; hopefully otherwise, it makes no sense, and then I think there's stickers or magnets. I'm not sure what they are. How do you navigate your way around this? Well, I'm no German, so all I had to do was click pre-order.

Now you can get this edition anywhere in Europe. I don't know how America works with the collector's edition, and I don't know if there is a way for you to get it. You may, I would say, be able to do this, but if you do this, the key that you get in this game will be 100, which is a region locked to Europe.

collectors edition uk pc

Besides, you can get this in any European country. I'd think there are two. I will show you that literally, for some reason, you just can't get it in the UK, so if I type the same thing in again, collectors did it. I take the closest edition for PC. Not only is it just on there in general; it's not even after the Xbox and Playstation, but if you type in Collector's Edition PC just on Google, you can go to the official site to do this.

I don't know how the US works for the collector's edition; I don't even know if you have it. To be completely honest, I wouldn't be surprised because I'm pretty sure Payday is a European country, made by a European country, so that could explain it if we go here to pre-order now. As you can see, there's a collector's decision.

I didn't even know this was the thing until I saw the comment, and I was like. I've got to check that out just to see if they're not talking about the Gold Edition, but it turns out it is, so if you go down and click physical, as you can see in the UK. PS5 and Xbox only, why is that? I don't understand, but then if you were to go to say Germany, there you go, you can get it, and you can actually just go on here.


Instead of going onto Amazon, you can just come here and click Germany. It'll take you to the page. Go buy it, and you can play it in the UK. That's why it will be delivered to the UK. It cost me, I think, 120 if you want it. I don't recommend it, but this is the reason why I refunded Payday 3 to buy a more expensive version.

That's about it.

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