Why Payday 3 Players Avoid This Heist (99 Boxes)



I made a guide recently about Golden Shark in which I went into great detail about where you can find all different key cards, lose cash, etc. A complete guide of everything you need to know basically, so after I was done with that. I decided to move over to 99 boxes, and after 5 days of trial and error.

I finally came to the conclusion of [__]. Dot. Now, where do I even begin with the problems with this? Heist not only core game gameplay but also game-breaking bugs, wise Let's begin at the beginning.

Extremely slow hacking

The first thing you need to do is hack two guards who have phones on them in order to gain access to the main containers.

Now the very first problem is that the hack is way too slow—abominably slow—it takes 30 seconds to fully hack a phone. That can be a big problem for several reasons. First of all, the guard's loop is way less than 30 seconds, meaning that you have to follow them behind while hacking it even after they finish the loop.

What's the big deal you may ask well for?

Guards insane line of sight

Guards insane line of sight

starters Guards in this game work very differently from guards in other games; they can fully spot you in their peripheral vision alone from miles away, and because they're constantly shaking their heads around, you can get spotted even when you're fully behind them. As you can see here, I got fully spotted, even though I was directly behind the guard, just from his peripheral vision.

This is how overpowered they are. They are not to mention they can fully spot you from yards away as well, and there's nothing you can do about it; there's no skill in the game to lower the cooldown of hacking, meaning you'll be stuck waiting for guards for what it feels like forever.

Awful game design

However, this is only a small, insignificant In comparison to what's coming next, in order to reach the containers you need to rob, you will need to use a zip line.

The zip line can be located in either one of the containers outside or behind the flag upstairs. However, once you get them, you are no longer able to grab NPCs. Just think about that: for a moment, you have a zip bag behind you, and because of that, you're unable to grab someone in front of you.

No, seriously, just think about that for another moment. You have something attached to your back, and because of that, you're unable to grab someone who's in front of you. What type of complete idiot could come up with that ridiculous design is a mystery to me.

Disappearing zip bags

Disappearing zip bags

Me, and I'm sure some fanboy is going to start bitching right now, saying, Well, what's the big deal? Just throw the zipline on the ground, and then grab the NPC. Well, genius, I did, and here's what happened: The [__] zipline disappeared.

As in, it ceased to exist; it just vanished like a [__] mob boss gone, and this heist is such that if you don't have a zip bag on you, that's it, you're done. You cannot reach the security area without it, meaning it's game over right then and there, and you may say, Well, I'm sure that's an isolated bug that almost never happens.

Guess what happened to me nine out of 10 times that I tried it? It was so frequent that I had to give up the zip bag entirely and pick it up at the very end when I was finished clearing the area, and someone would say, That's it. The hacking takes forever, and the zip-back disappears. no, there is much more than that, because guess what? Even if somehow you beat the level to this point and zipline your way across to the security area, now you're about to face a whole new ensemble of issues.

Horrible hacking circles

Horrible hacking circles

First of all, in order to unlock the crates required, you need to hug them by standing still in horrifically open areas where you can get spotted by virtually anybody, and because the area is secured, any running will cause guards to come investigate at your exact location.

Now you're forced into this horrible minigame where you have to just stand around and wait for some guard to just walk up and catch you like you see here, and guess what? Because the loops of guards can be so chaotic that it's impossible to predict where they may be at a given glance, you literally just make your way to these circles and pray that you get lucky and no guard or NPC comes your way because if they do, you're done, and that's it.

Impossible time limit sprint

Impossible time limit sprint

Heist is dead and it's all over there's virtually nothing you can do as there's barely any cover and so many NPCs around you practically can't move and you have to do this awful hacking procedure, not once but twice for both containers, and if you think all of these things weren't bad enough here comes the worst one once opened the cargo has a time limit on it an extremely small time limit and if you want to get any money for it at all you have to get it back fast Now think about this for a second: In a security area, there's guards and workers all around you that can spot you within a blink of their eye.

99 boxes

You have no clue where most of them are, especially outside of that zone where you can't see them because you're running towards the getaway, so you are forced to do a sprint in an area filled with NPCs who will get suspicious of you after a single footstep. Now that is bad no doubt about it but if both containers are next to one another and you have a good sight of the NPCs around you could technically make it out of there as you see me do it is possible though extremely risky, however the reason I was able to achieve this is because I had a full sight of everyone around me however what happens when the container is positioned in front of other large containers, directly in front of your direction, well for starters because you're on the other side you can no longer do the run you practiced you are forced to experiment with a brand new strategy, not to mention you are completely blind to any NPCs, as because of the location, it's impossible for you to know ahead of time where all of them are you can't see any of them because there's giant containers in your way and here's the result as you will see in this attempt I will get caught not once but three times from three completely different NPCs.

You are forced to run blind in a security area overfilled with guards and NPCs who can spot you from a mile away. No wonder no one is doing a proper guide for this [__] level. How could you? There are so many variables that skill doesn't even matter; it's all down to looking at them.

Major problems

Major problems

End guys, I have been grinding this heist for 5 days in a row. I wish you could see my eyes right now when making this article; they are as red as tomatoes. I am not joking when I tell you this [__] is impossible. It really is, even if you succeed, because it's extremely luck-related. I know this is like the back of my hand right now, and still, it's so extremely impossible.

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