5 Tips To Beat Payday 3's Hardest Difficulty. How To Be Better At Overkill Loud


Don't use the whole 30 seconds to do stuff. Seconds of time need to be spent on the objective. Five to ten seconds need to be used to get back to where you need to be and regroup with the team so if you're all split up and then regroup phase turns into a police assault you're in trouble you need to all be back in the bank , you know holding up an area near the Bollard so the van can get there and you can quickly move the bags you need to be defending each other it's okay to hold out in a spot for a little while but you don't want to be there for more than like a not even a minute less than a minute man you need to be like killing cops for less than a minute if you're trying to escape the van you gotta time things really well so yeah you need to make sure you use the regrouping, face to your advantage and that's tip number five is use, the regrouping phase now I was gonna let you go here but I kind of had like a bonus tip in my head but I already like named the article, five, tips to.

Bonus tip

Bonus tip

So here's a little bonus tip for you if you capture about 50 of the required bags, it triggers the endless assault which is now called final push try to avoid doing that, because then you won't get any regrouping phases and that's you know the regrouping phase is free time we've done full clears on final push but it takes exponentially, longer so try not to capture fifty percent of your bags it's better to just leave them sitting next to the van instead of actually capturing them this system may be different for, for all we know but try to avoid getting a final push however you can now if you're playing with three competent people and a random if the random accidentally caps too many bags just stick to tips one two three and four.


Capture bags and get out together if you can, so you should be moving the last four together or three because the random went into custody because he's dumb. Try to capture three bags at once and then move as a unit, running in circles, leaving anybody that goes down behind. Try not to lose your armor things, like that, but, yeah, I guess that's pretty much all I got in conclusion overkillad's.

It's really just a formula. You'll see a link to an updated article on the end screen coming up in a sec, and yeah, smiley. Face, like, I actually put a smiley face in the script. Why did I give that big shout-out to Nanner? He helped me come up with this strategy. It was mostly his idea, honestly.

I just kind of supplemented a little bit. I understand. I'm abrasive yeah, that's pretty much it.

WARNING Degradation and Praise Kinks present. Avert your eyes if you can't handle it. Now that the game is out, all of this is still accurate.
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