Are You New To Payday 2 Then Watch This Video

Do you like setting people on fire? Do you like setting people on fire? Do you like blowing stuff up? Do you like stunning them? Do you like blowing stuff up? Do you like throwing things up, people? Well, that basically sums it all up. For melees, a bunch of different melees like this one hurt someone; this one actually electrocutes them, so they do a little animation where they jiggle, fore equipment Don't worry about anything except the doctor bag.

how to

Ammo bag, and first aid kit. Why well, this one right here is actually a per-deck point. This is mostly for yourself. You can use it in loud heists, but you're going to need some skills for that, so don't worry about that suppress entry gun. You need skills, as you can see right here, which require engineering skills.

The same thing with the sentry gun is that it removes ammo from your inventory every single time you place it. Trip mines are a little complicated, so don't worry about them now; you'll figure them out later on as you go. Can I use a trip credit on that? Well, no, you can't use a trip like mine.

It's actually a safe. Charge, body bags They're exactly what you sound like; use them yourself. The body bag things up like a dead guard or a dead civilian. The ammo bag is self-explanatory. Same thing with the doctor's bag and first aid kit. I recommend going for the first kit because you actually get two more charges instead of two, like a normal doctor.

new to

Bag, guns You can always change your guns. We have empty weapon slots. There's a bunch to choose from. There's nothing you can get really bored with. You can slot enemies in half. You can shoot them with guns. You can also set them on fire if you so wish. So, you guys want help. It's simple and easy. All you have to do is go to Payday 3 crime wave or go to our Discord join code.



Right up here on screen, we do everything from Payday 2 content to how to make some good masks. Builds a crime spree. Whatever you really need, if you just want to share, there you go. If you want to ask questions, go ahead and ask them.

Just post whatever you think you need; it'll be fun, and I promise you will not. Disappoint, and make sure you guys subscribe if you like the way I'm doing stuff. You can message me on Xbox.

This video is for helping new players with the basics such as setting you need to change, what do the symbols on the ground mean and skill that make the game easer to do tedious task's. make sure to check out "PAYDAY 3 CRIMEWAVE".
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