Batman Vs The Payday Gang. Who Would Win

arkham city

Payday is a game centered around crime, armed robbery, kidnapping, and jaywalking, with no criminal enterprise left unexplored. However, as much as I enjoy the criminal genre and the stories around it. I've always liked the stories about those who pursued fighting crime even more, and with Andreas Hall bringing up this idea in his interview for Payday 3, it's given me the green light to run with it.

Disclaimer: This is just my opinion about who would win. Now that the gang is the one with the game coming out this year, let's cover them first. We'll stitch just to Core 4 for this hypothetical meaning. Dallas Hoxton. Wolf, and Chains We'll take a look at the gang at their most powerful, giving them weapons, armor, and equipment that fit their typical roles in a typical heist.

Dallas being The mastermind and crew chief typically use lightweight armor and automatic weapons and provide part of the crew's support by bringing medic bags, so that's how we'll set him up for this fight. Hoxton is the gang's sharpshooter, and a skilled Bruiser also prefers lightweight armor and longer range.

arkham knight

Weaponry, although ever since his sit-in prison, he's typically moved away from that role in favor of being a more up-close aggressive combatant, although at least according to his payday 3 bio, he may be returning more regularly to his Marksman role, so for the sake of weapon diversity, and if I didn't, he would just be Dallas again set up hoxton with a long range rifle.

Close Quarters SMG and shaped charge Wolf is the gang's technician and is a violent bipolar psycho with an affinity for power tools, despite his technician role favoring automatic weapons. Wolf, more often than not, can be found taking a shotgun into a shootout and a variety of nail guns, saws, and drills into the skulls of law enforcement officers.

That's how we'll set him up: a shotgun, a drill slash, and sentries as is. Deployable, and due to his on-again, off-again role as the gang's armorer, heavy armor but not head to toe somewhere around the flak jacket to combine tactical vests, and last but certainly not least, we have chains of no-nonsense.

arkham articles

Hyster, who takes on the role as the gang's enforcer and muscle, when [__] hits the fan in Payday, the heisey acts as the gang's support. However, moving forward since Payday 2, he's been the man with the big gun and a bottomless magazine, so we'll set him up with an LMG, a high-power pistol, heavy armor, and the ICTV in ammo bags.

Batman as a character has been around for over 84 years, and in that time he's had a colossal amount of gadgets, fighting styles, and suits, so for the sake of comparison. I'll only be looking at Batman from the Arkham series for this article. These are the article games we're talking about, after all.

Well, more or less, just stick to Batman and Arkham Knight, seeing as that's when he's debatably the strongest in the series, so Batman has at his disposal batarangs to engage opponents from afar, a grapnel gun to facilitate getting to out-of-reach areas, and bat claws, which are an augmentation to the grapple gun that lets Batman pull and disarm opponents.


Detective Vision, which lets Batman see opponents through walls and vital signs explosive gel, which lets the Dark Knight set up explosive traps to incapacitate hostile smoke pellets that act as an impact smoke bomb. Also, he's rich. Now, setting wise, I think the easiest way to facilitate a matchup like this would be to have the gang rob a bank in Gotham.

Typically, the gang only hits banks during the day; the latest they've ever hit one is the Brooklyn Bank drop, where they robbed it while it was closing, judging from the time of day and the population of the bank. So right off the bat, that makes this matchup impossible. Batman only comes out at night, which is true.

When he first started out. Bruce Wayne would only use the identity of Batman at night, and if he found himself in circumstances that needed him during the day, he would use a variety of disguises to conceal his identity. However, across multiple continuity. Bruce would Dawn the cape and cow during the day if the situation needed him, so Batman probably would show up if he heard that the gang was hitting a bank in Gotham now, despite payday as a franchise being centered around shooting cops.


I don't think there would be any cops involved in this scenario, at least not in the bank with Batman. Batman, as a character, would rather leave the burden on himself and risk his life doing what he does rather than let others risk theirs in his place, so Batman isn't alone now. As for the gang.

I'd say they have a pretty standard setup for a bank-hit civilian hostage: a drill in the vault, one or two of them watching sieves, and another watching the door in Windows for cops. Now all the gang has to do is simple. It's simple they pretty much have the best tools to attempt to make Batman suit his armor to withstand gunshots, but sustained gunfire will still degrade it and deal damage to the soft tissue underneath, and of course the weakest spots in his armor are the place where the joints are and the head.

batman arkham

Now I know that Batman lives in a comic book world where his cow can be made of exotic metal threads, a woman can control plants with her mind, an actor can turn himself into protoplasm, slash real mud, and shapeshift into whatever he wants but would rather spend his time being a criminal than being the greatest actor ever, and a man who accidentally turned himself blue became obsessed with ice punts.

Anyway, all that being said, being shot in the head with a 30-cal round is going to put the bat out of commission, perhaps permanently, and explosives aren't the best for anyone's health either. Now, as for what Batman can do to the gang, what can he not do? If the gang splits up, he picks them off one by one with speed and violence.

Wolff sets up a Sentry. Batman destroys it or booby traps it. Hawk sets up a mine. Batman blows it up, and Hawks slaps his face. Dallas gets a clean shot at Batman, his rifle blows up chains, tries to shoot Batman as he's running up, his gun doesn't fire from sabotage, and then gets the worst beating of his life, and that's not mentioning the variety of other ways that Batman can take them down.


Glide down a knockout inverted takedown line launcher takedown. The pop-out of the event clown is down. I smash takedown, zap the heavy armor boys, push them off something, pull them off something, and Dallas gets a hostage. Blow them up and make them trip. Bane wants you to walk over there. There's no way else to put this, but there's no way that the payday gang can walk away from this one.

Thank you, Andreas, for making me not the only one who has thought about this.
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