Batman Vs The Payday Gang. Who Would Win

Batman quite literally has been preparing and fighting people just like them his whole career, and there's nothing that the gang can do to overcome him. Even if the gang had to use their more out there skills like Fang Death Nine Lives Wong Song or Messiah. Batman can just work them down until they're out of supplies and get them then, and if the gang tries to learn from how Batman took them down, like the Mr.


Freeze fight in Arkham City. Batman still has all the other ways to take them down, and even if we said that some pre-existing equipment like the ECM Jammer or the Shape Minds could act like backpack jammers and the mines on Vantage Points, it's nothing that Batman hasn't dealt with before and knows how to work around, but maybe it's all right that the gang doesn't win after all payday wouldn't be around if it wasn't for the Dark Knight inspiring Overkill back in the day to make a love letter to that scene and heat, and without heat The Dark Knight may not be the same movie during the production of The Dark Knight.

Christopher Nolan required the cast and crew to watch Heat to better understand the tone of the movie he wanted to make, so without the Dark Knight, there would be no payday, and without Heat, there would be no Dark Night. Sorry if this article took a bit longer compared to the other ones; it's felt that way for me at least, but this is an idea I've had floating around my head for a while now, and I just wanted to make sure that I did the idea justice.

This whole experience has got me really nostalgic toward the Arkham games, and I really appreciate how much effort and care that Roxy put into these games. Hit the bell for notifications so you don't miss out. And yeah, that's all I've got for now.

Thank you, Andreas, for making me not the only one who has thought about this.
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