Can You Actually Beat Payday 3 Without Killing Anyone

I grabbed a different one but immediately got kicked in the face by a cloaker. The bot saved me, and I tried to retreat to the front of the truck, but a cop body blocked me and forced me to go around the long way. I was chased by an especially eager hostage rescue guy who distracted me for long enough.

I managed to fall into another hole. With all the bots dead and no way to get my hostage out, I used my two remaining flashbangs to get back to the hidey hole. I wasted all my ammo and HED hoping that the bot would drop me an ammo bag between waves so I could get more flashbangs. But for some reason, they opted not to.

I tried again to get my hostage out of the hole, but it was fruitless, and soon enough my bots went down and I was taken out by a cloaker, instantly ending the run. My fourth attempt started strong when chains got stuck on the front of the truck. This made it very easy for me to protect him from incoming damage and keep him alive.

This worked for a time until I got kicked in the face by a cloak ER, and me and the hostage I was holding got eaten by the truck. Eventually me and the cloer got set free but the truck claimed the life of my hostage soon after I was hit by another cloaker with no Bots left and the Run was over, this time I wasted all my ammo from the start to ensure the Bots would give me more flashbangs just in case I needed them chains got stuck on the truck again allowing me to make it all the way to the ramp without running out of Boss, this time the cop seemed to realize the hostages were my key to Victory so after I finished Drilling and theya threw a gas grenade directly on top of my construction worker, thankfully he remembered his invisible gas mask when he left home today so he was fine I signal bile as soon as possible and ran the minerals to the chopper.

CS back down for part of it, but I ended up needing to move most of the bags while under heavy fire. I had the [__] scared out of me by a dozer right as I started to make a run for the exit, but in the end I made it. I actually beat road rage without killing anything. In the end, I was mainly surprised that this whole ordeal only took me an hour.

Dirty ice

Dirty ice

With the biggest obstacle of the challenge out of the way, I was eager to move on to dirty ice, which I wasn't expecting too much trouble from. Dirty ice sensed this and made me get instantly detected by a CCTV while walking into the VIP area, forcing me to immediately mask on.

I took him and the nearby guard hostage. I thought I could salvage this run, but when another guard came in and I accidentally shot him in the chest, it was over. Shooting a guard while they're surrendering sometimes causes them to break and not surrender anymore. This happened here, and he fired his gun, effectively ending the run.

My second run nearly met a similar fate when I started picking a lock in front of an employee. I really do lean on grifter too much but soon I made it to the VIP area where I could confirm what the code was I tried to secure a bag from the front like I usually do but without grifter it wasn't happening instead I entered the basement and disabled the VIP lock down so I could use one of those bags to back trick the operator, with the cameras disabled the mission became a test of patience I needed to avoid the C in the VIP area along with the lead guard whenever he decided to wander in to my surprise this actually worked the entire time I move VIP bags meaning I could just take the VIP employee hostage and use him to secure the egg, with the egg and toe I stylish the ended the run and beat dirty ice without too much hassle .

Rock the cradle

Rock the cradle

After the surprising number of failed runs last time, I decided that for this run, I would just speedrun rock the cradle so I could move on to under the surface. As always, though my luck was having none of it, it turns out it's a lot harder to do the sprint tech without camera loops or grifters. Usually I would let them arrest me and make you slippery to get out, but it's technically a part of the grifter tree, so it's off limits.

I failed three separate runs before even making it into the basement. On my fourth I decided to slow things down not VIP passes slow just allowing myself to be escorted slow this worked in my favor as after several long minutes of waiting and being escorted I was in the basement, from there I didn't have much trouble the it room was on my side which makes it very easy to access and to be doubly lucky the security room was to so I could easily use the bag trick I flipped the switch and secured the wallet the secure point was on the more inconvenient side but I was reasonably confident I could move the bags there anyways, the reason I'm choosing to secure both bags is another exploit I know on this map if you start the assault after having secured the wallet and to have no bags spawned in on the map The Escape Point spawns in early and since the secure point is on the more difficult side I'm playing it safe the it room guard kept breaking Reality by sh his hand through the door so I decided to arrest him with him out of the way I was able to secure the bags pretty easily, then I stuck around a long way to get back upstairs. I ended up wasting my second pager in the poker room, but it was no big deal, and soon I made it to the escape point and ended Ruck the Cradle.

Under the surphaze

Under the surphaze

So this actually isn't the first run under the surface I did for this challenge. I did one right after waking up and managed to get all the loot bags without raising the alarm.

I was quite proud of myself until I realized I'd forgotten to start recording. I guess I'm two for two on messing up my recordings and articles so far. The first thing I did when I entered the building was take the camera operator hostage. Not having to worry about cameras the entire run after how much of a nuisance they were last time was a blessing.

I activated the tablet and started doing circles, opening up exhibition rooms as I went. I jumped up on a box, but apparently it got lubed up today, so I slipped off into a laser, making things slightly worse. E6 doesn't even have anything I need in it. I was just in there to get all the loot. I scrambled to finish circles and started gathering the required paintings, leaving one of the Cario paintings on the roof next to the chopper secure point.

Then I went downstairs to start the second set of circles, this one surprisingly well, and I was eventually able to sit down on the security bars for the first floor too. I got worried the cops might try to seal the Vicario painting from me and found it was right to be concerned when I got back to the roof to find it missing.

I'm here to redeem myself after having lied to everyone during my last video, today, for real this time, I will be finding out if you can beat Payday 3 without killing anyone.
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