Can You Actually Beat Payday 3 Without Killing Anyone

I tried to get it back, but with no bots and no way to kill the snipers, it was hopeless. I made a desperate last stand in the break room, but when you can't actually fight back, it's hard to keep yourself alive. My second run started similarly. I disabled cameras, opened up a few exhibition rooms on the second floor, and eventually got circles done.

I still had one of my PSs left when a guard saw one of my bags. I should have just hacked his radio, but instead of trying to grab it out from under him, he turned around and saw me, so I had to take him hostage. This was made worse when a second guard also saw me, meaning I was out of pages and the building was on high alert.

In any case, I slowly cleared out the entire second floor and secured the paintings in the van. I moved downstairs and had an obnoxiously close call with a lead guard, who apparently decided it wasn't close enough, so I walked face first into a different one. He apparently didn't notice the entire woman walking into him.

That guy was in no rush to take notes. I did the downstairs circles and cleared out E3, then got caught while moving some of the last paintings on the map. I moved everything I could to the chopper spawn, tossing some bait to the bots, and managed to escape just after the assault began with all 20 paintings.

I'm thankful that the surface wasn't as difficult as it was last time, but I do wish I hadn't had to do it twice. Maybe during my next article I'll manage to not lose any footage. This time around on Golden Stark I was noticeably, less lucky I didn't guess the right Q door until the last one didn't guess the door code and managed to get caught by an employee while hacking the computer in the server room instead of masking up and taking our hes like a regular person I instead [ __ ] around by Hing with the door a few times this [ __ ] around predictably resulted in me finding out when a guard saw me through a wall and then called the police, making things worse I hadn't even checked what the code was yet my second run started off strong when I lost both my pagers on two random guards upstairs, mainly due to impatience despite being masked up I managed to get the code disable the lasers and open the vault I was moving bags when I accidentally sprinted for one frame the guard upstairs heard this and started coming downstairs.

I managed to move all the bags out of the vault lobby before he got to them, but then he turned around, saw the vault, and called for a search. You may think he was mad that the money was gone, but actually he noticed a much more urgent inner gate being open. I was hoping I could get the run down anyways but when Dallas failed to catch the bager through and I got seen through a wall by a Sie it was over on my third run I barely even got started before I got caught committing a crime I politely asked the guard if I could arrest him instead of him arresting me and he agreed what a standup guy I was in the process of flipping switches when I accidentally lered an entire room full of cves, thankfully I was able to lock them down but I knew the manager would wander into that room soon enough he of course chose the moment I turned my back to find them but luckily I was nearby and managed to catch him before he escaped, corporate [ __ ] prick didn't even think about helping his tied up employees.

This guy should take notes from the vault guard. Since this run was already extremely scuffed, I decided to do some experimentation. Without spoiling my next article too much, it's surprising to me that you can push a hostage in front of a Civ and then pick them up right as the Civ detects them to reset their AI.

I decided to see if this would work for camera operators. It didn't with no money to spare, I started delivering bags, only to be immediately spotted by one of the guards in the basement. With everyone now searching, I figured it may be safer to throw the bags down from the roof, but I first wanted to check if there was a guard up there.

In my experience, sometimes there is and sometimes there isn't. This time there was, and I became aware of him just as he became aware of me. What followed was a desperate few minutes of running bags up to where I thought B was going to touch down. B decided now would be a great time to pull one of his classic pranks and land on the opposite side of where the flare was.

I tried to secure everything I needed; I even got close, but in the end, I was overwhelmed. My fourth run ended in failure, but at least it ended quickly. On my fifth run, I slowed down. Most of my failures were due to impatience, so this time I took things slow. This was rewarded with getting the vault open, but then the upstairs guard came down and got mad.

The gates were open again. If you do the back check on the camera operator and then search starts, he joins it, making getting out of the vault area especially tedious. Eventually i managed and started moving bags down the employee's staircase.

99 boxes

99 boxes

It took a long time but eventually I secured everything and finished the mission, usually I don't get this much trouble on this map but something about this run is just [ __ ] me over on 99 boxes the universe seemed ready to finally give me a break I managed to get both Q codes without any trouble Geral seemed to consider screwing with me when I was trying to get the canister but eventually opted to basically just leave me alone, for the first time ever geralt G guard just let me both into and out of the office and didn't even see the hack running I did nearly ruin the Run by missing a jump right in front of the lead guard but even he let me off easy and pretended he didn't see anything.

I got the first set of circles done without any issue and finally faced a little bit of adversity, one of the workers stood right next to the spot you can get back out of the storage yard forcing me to wait until the components were at minimum value, even this wasn't a big deal though I was already planning to use the component to backt check the operator so it being low value was expected, on my way to drop off the component I did get seen by a guard he almost managed to get a shot off when I broke loss on him but a quick shot to the chest reminded him who was in charge because of how eily well this run was going so far I fully expected the guard to be found while I dropped off the component.

But no no one ever checked in on him. I did the bag trick, delivered the first component, and got back to the storage yard, it took me a while to find the second component, for a moment I thought the favor that opens one of the containers may have actually activated on the component but no I've never actually had that happen has anyone else or is it bugged like everything else in this game eventually I found the second component and got circles done again on my way back to the truck I got caught while being a little reckless but I did have a page of spair so I didn't mind.

I'm here to redeem myself after having lied to everyone during my last video, today, for real this time, I will be finding out if you can beat Payday 3 without killing anyone.
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