Can You Beat Payday 3 Without Killing Anyone

Under the surphaze

Under the surphaze

I was expecting surface to be a [__] Even with the dump to secure point, I figured there was a chance I needed to make a desperate sprint for the exit. In any case I pressed on my first priority was bag-tricking the camera operator, which means getting one of the sets of circles done before the cameras go down.

In addition to this, I'd also need to avoid making any mistakes during at least the first set since I likely wouldn't be able to do both in time to escape the assault. The mission was going surprisingly well. I managed to finish the upper four circles, take the camera operator, and secure the TR, the dead painting, without any problems.

I cleared the rest of E4 and E7, then dropped down to E5, where I knew the first blood-soaked painting was. I stole everything, including the fake one, and dropped them all into the dumpster. Well, I tried anyway. I managed to miss one of the bags and drop it down into the street to get it back.

pd3 challenge

I'm sure this one happened again. I took a second to clear RD6, meaning I'd stolen everything of value from the second floor. Then, being a little bit cocky, I went down to the first floor, where I managed to get myself caught before I even finished the first circle. I hid from the guards until the first responders arrived, when all the guards on the map would automatically surrender.

I couldn't make use of them, of course, since I can't take hostages, but if they want to kneel with their hands behind their heads, that's their god-given right as Americans. I finished circles and grabbed the E1 painting, tossing it into the helicopter. Just as it arrived, I threw the last painting into the chopper and was told to secure the second Vicario painting.

I looked around and realized I'd missed another bag trying to throw it into the dumpster; that one bag was the Vicario painting I needed to finish the level. I did my best to get it back from the random corner of the map the cops had brought it to, but my one armor just wasn't enough to carry me through.

I lost the run on my way back upstairs. I'm sure you won't be surprised that I took a break after that. My second attempt was over before I even entered the building, and I wish my third had been too. Instead, I set off the alarm before even finishing the first of the circles, secured two of the paintings I needed, and held them up in a storage room downstairs.

I tried to get circles in between rounds, but after nearly 15 minutes spent mostly hiding behind the shelf, the run was over when a similar thing threatened to happen during round four. I just decided to end the run early instead. The fifth run ended similarly, but I made it far enough during my sixth that I actually tried to rush to finish it.

It went well. By this point, I'd had enough of this mission and was willing to commit to any attempt. This has worked in my favor since the seventh run, when I actually managed to finish all the circles upstairs before the alarm went off. I ignored everything unnecessary and called Bill as soon as possible.

I only had two acquired paintings left, and they were both on the roof, but the moment the assault started, a [__] Dozer spawned right next to the helicopter. I decided I'd just give it a rest if it didn't work out. I opted to fully send it and hope for the best. Surprisingly, it worked out. I only managed to secure the four acquired paintings, but I was just glad to finally be done with them.

Gold and sharke

Gold and sharke

Surface is all right. Where's my shark footage? Where's my box's footage? So I made a pretty big blunder here. I [__] up my OBS settings and ended up recording a black [__] screen for the entirety of both of these missions. Got anything to say about that past me? Damn it that's enough of you; pass me.

Know that I fully blame myself for this; there better have been nothing funny during either of those missions, or I'm going to be pissed off. Anyway, on to recording an entire hour's worth of gameplay. Note that from here on out, I'll be using a few mods. I'll include my moderator list on screen here.

No, the one that's blurred out is not the Virgin Killer out for Joy. Anyways, I sent off a golden shark with a lucky guest as to who would have the key card and immediately gained access to an upstairs. It's especially unfortunate that I had to redo this mission since I remember getting lucky and getting the code first.

Well, all right, then I placed a camera on the tablet so I could check back on it remotely and started flipping switches. I managed to get caught by the same guard twice, but other than that, I didn't have any problems. I hacked the manager's computer and swiped the key card. The first thing I did after the vault opened was trick the operator, then I spent several minutes slowly moving all the bags out of the vault, then down to the basement.

In the basement, I had a few misadventures with one of the guards. You can't be in here; this area is restricted. [__] Hey, don't look at me. I'm not doing anything. Come on, you need to follow me. Don't worry, sir. I've learned my lesson and won't trespass ever. Okay, but eventually I managed to get all the loot secured.

Golden Shark was a nice break, or at least it would have been if I hadn't had to re-record it. The real [__] is having to redo 99 boxes, but here I go.

99 boxes

99 boxes

Boxes is my second least favorite mission after Road, Rage, and [__] Road Rage. My first run started off strong. I managed to get both QR codes and set up the truck. Then I ran into my biggest rival, the guard who was single-handedly [__] me over the most, Gerald G. Guard i swear he knows where he wants to go and makes sure he gets there first.

Usually he's off on the west side when I get there, so I accounted for this by trying to go use the east computer first. Gerald, of course, expected this and was positioned on the east side; instead, I ran around to the west side of the building. Would you look at that? Here comes Gerald [__] Guard.

Little does he know, I've actually just fooled him. The PC I need is on the east side. Have fun guarding nothing, Geral. I win this roundout. Anyway, with the PC hacked, I was able to make my way into the storage yard. My plan was to steal the first component used to bag trick the operator, even if it meant letting it the grade.

This plan immediately fell apart when I was squatted by an employee. I never shouted at him, but he did decide to curl up in a nervous ball anyway. I blame this on overworking; he's more of a victim of capitalism than of me. I've got as many circles done as I can, but I knew I was on a timer, and soon enough, my little ball of fear was found by a guard, or maybe he saw me.

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