Can You Beat Payday 3 Without Killing Anyone

I'm not really sure what happened in any case; they called the police, so I guess he probably saw me. But wait, people do actually call the cops on people having panic attacks. It's still unclear. Once circles were done, I ran the first component to the truck. I knew I'd at least have a chance if I could get the thermite started before the assault properly began, so I grabbed the tire and waited.

Once the thermite arrived, I placed it and immediately took refuge behind the bulletproof grass. I spent some time shooting cops for fun until it nearly got me killed, so instead I had a staring contest with a would-be firing squad outside. Eventually the wave ended, and I was able to start the second set of circles.

I almost managed to get myself killed on the way back to the box, but in a rare bot, W chain saved me moments before I left him the pleed to death. I resumed my staring contest with the cops. Now that the next wave ended, I got a medic bag but no arm from the bot, and I finally finished the second set of circles.

There's where I made a pretty big mistake. I removed the components from their casing, then decided to play it safe and wait for the next wave to be over. The problem with this description is that the second component triggers the final assault. Desperate but without much hope, I tried to make a run for the truck.

I immediately lost all my HP but did manage to drop off the second component. I almost got taken out by a cloaker. I had a heart attack waiting for this door to open and ran to set up the spikes. Every moment I was in the open, I was expecting to suddenly go down, but against all odds, I made it.

I actually made it. I explained to you how I felt in that moment. Holy, [__], I did not think I was going to make that apt as always, with Bas out of the way. Surprisingly, on the first attempt, it's time to move on to the final hurdle, Touch the Sky.

Touch the sky

Touch the sky

Touch the Sky is a difficult mission. There are nine guards on a very small map, plus the lead guard will start patrolling the bedroom and office once you gain access to them. Here's hoping my experience on the map will get me through to the vent and enter the penthouse, opting to get started on circles as soon as possible.

Throughout this, I paid attention to the box stairs, knowing the lead guard would be coming up there eventually. He's got the QR code. I need to get the red key card three circles in, and here he is. I tried to use a door stall to stop him from leaving, but it was fruitless. I moved on to the second place, where you can get the QR code on the stairs, but he had some watching his back, which means a lot to follow him onto the balcony.

This area is full of guards and cameras and doesn't have much cover, but I have a pretty good track record of getting QR codes here. Luckily, no one caught me, and I was able to make my way upstairs and into the office. I can't force Marcus into the vault; I'll either have to drill my way inside or force the vault cat.

I opted for the ladder. I almost got caught due to a risky slide, Dash, but used a knife throw to distract the guard for long enough that I was able to get to the bedroom and start forcing The Vault Cat. I was immediately visited by the lead guard, who didn't seem to understand what the vault was.

Soon he left, and I got back to it. It's rare for the lead guard to come back to this room more than once in a short period of time, so of course I was interrupted again about halfway through my Cod forcing. Once he was off, I finally got the coat and made my way inside. Feeling confounded that the lead guard wouldn't be coming back again, I left, running into the lead guard on my way out.

Now on a timer, I sprinted to the office with all plans of getting all the loot out the window. I started the hack and HED the guards until they got tired of fighting and decided to kneel on the ground to regain stamina. In the meantime, I finished up the hack and Signal bile. The final moments of the run were tense.

I held up next to the evacuation point and prayed to get here in time. I popped some heads while I waited, secured the SSD, and beat 83 without harming a single human.



I did, so I'll probably make more in the future. My next challenge run will be the article you probably thought you were clicking on the proper no-kill challenge and include scops this time. There may be another silly article up before then, but we'll see. Subscribe on your way out, and I'll meet you back here next time for another

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