Can You 'knock Out' Every Civilian Payday 3 Without Alerting The Guards

Using either corpses or hostages, you can bait people where you want them to go since if they see it, they'll run towards it at least most of the time. For some reason, they'll sometimes start running towards some random point on the map to call for help. We called this playing poker for reasons that'll make sense later.

I saw a woman entering the back area, something I've never seen someone do before. She entered the HR room, where room C had already cleared out by then, and apparently didn't notice any of the bodies, including the one she literally sat in the lap of. I took her out, and we moved on to the lobby.

We tried not to kill any of the guards, but one by one they became alert, and we had to take them out. This is the most challenging area, so it cost us a few pages. After we secured the lobby, a woman outside managed to spam me through a window, which escalated into five sieges outside that all needed to be taken in; somehow we salvaged the situation.

We moved the bodies away from the door and moved upstairs, keeping an eye out for anyone who came in from the street. We couldn't afford to make the same mistakes as in our first run, so we were more careful this time, picking people off and bringing them to the offices. Guards never checked once the second floor was clear.

All we had left to do was go to the basement, where only two civilians hang out. I led the fall while I took care of them. Then we did a final sleep with the building to make sure we didn't miss anyone. Usually, a bunch of people come in off the street on this map, but for some reason they just weren't doing that this run, so we finished Golden Shark with not too many attempts.

Next up are 99 boxes, which I mention you'd expect I'd have little trouble with for some reason. Pass me seemed to take this as a challenge and made sure to mess up at least a handful of runs before managing to complete the math that has nine bloody sivs on it. Most of these failed runs had nothing to do with the challenge either; you'd think she hadn't done this map a few dozen times already.

Anyway, I eventually stopped trying to kill anyone until after I took care of the camera operator. Geral was as dumb as his dick, always being sure to ignore me. Not one but two times I hacked his radio while he escorted me, but in time I got the truck set up and entered the storage yard. I grabbed the key card and backticked the operator, sashing all four near-by employees in the room with him.

I had a weird encounter with the lead guard where he kept turning to stare me down and nearly ended the run. He continued to do this after I broke L on him, and I'll be honest, he did genuinely creep me out a little. Eventually, he stopped, and I got back into the yard to clean up the mission. There are only three employees in the storage yard, so I picked them off and secured the components.

9 boxes was a mostly normal run once I got my [__] together long enough to actually get it done. I met Baba Ya for my best friend, and the man rejoined me for Touch of the Sky. While I didn't exactly need his help for this map, we were tired of trying and failing on Rock the Cradle and decided to take on something easier.

We did do this map on normal, so Sky will technically need to be done if I ever do this on Overkill. Papa did actually participate in several runs. I didn't end up mentioning we did some testing on Surface to confirm SS never stopped spawning and made a few attempts at Golden Shark that never ended up working out.

I just wanted to make that clear anyway. Let's get right into it like the pair of professional gamers we are and be immediately messed up the first run and had the reset. In terms of the real-life timeline, this was the very first map we actually completed, so our methods were a little unrefined.

It took us a few runs to realize there were only seven guards on the map, and since we have the ability to kill five of them, I left only two. If we made sure those guards were the camera operator and Gary, we wouldn't have any obstacles left in our way. Once we realized this, the map was ours for the taking.

We picked off every guard in the penthouse, which meant Gary would start searching. Luckily, he isn't allowed to open the front door, so he's trapped out there until the delivery guy lets him in, which is kind of weird. How that ended up working out: I'd first planned on opening the Panic Room, but then I forgot and killed Mason, so we had to use clipping instead.

By then we'd realized Gary was about to enter the building and moved all the bodies into a hiding place meaning the delivery guy dropped out the whiskey bottle to an empty room, as a bit I poisoned the bottle anyways and shade told me to see if I could make Mason drink it I tried to explain to her that Mason was dead but she didn't seem to understand so I just rang the bell anyways shade seemed convinced that someone was approaching the bar and pouring a drink, shade's either seeing Mason's ghost or she forgot to take her meds this morning we use her expert hacking skills to decrypt the drive then left Gary alone in the penthouse, so long as he never finds the bodies I expected to take the place over for his own or more likely I'll go back to standing outside the front door and holding up his hand to anyone who comes near.

I salute his dedication. And now it's time to rock the cradle. Map, I'm sure you've been waiting for This was actually the very first map we made attempts on, but it was the second-to-last map we got done. At first, me and Buba tried to pick off as many people as we could individually and only escalated the clearing rooms if we absolutely had to.

This is where we met what would effectively become the main antagonist of this challenge, the pulse. I mentioned way back in the No Rest section that shouting jumps from Civ to Civ, but it's not the only thing that can do that. For some reason, when cives get scared without being shouted at, the effect can sometimes jump from Civ to Civ as well.

The difference is that this effect can jump again and again and will continue to jump until there's no one left in range. The real run killer, though, is the fact that this also jumps to guards, meaning if the pulse happens, every guard on the floor becomes instantly alerted, wasting all of our pages.

Our strategy started to change over time, but eventually I discovered a strange interaction with stationary guards such as the VIP guard or the guard at the front door. If you distract these guards with the knife when they return to their post, they'll permanently be facing the direction the noise came from, meaning we can face them in the wrong direction and clear rooms right behind their back.

This changed our strategy from quietly picking people off to taking out the entire first bar area in one swoop. This worked better than picking people off, but we were still often plagued by the pulse. Eventually, I realized something: since the pulse is proximity-based, if we just killed everyone close enough to alert the guards and didn't let anyone escape, then the pulse became a non-factor.

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