Can You 'knock Out' Every Civilian Payday 3 Without Alerting The Guards

At this point, the plan changed entirely. I was set up on the stairs next to the VIP entrance while Bubba went in the front door, and we would both take out everyone close enough to pulse the guards. At this point, it didn't matter how many people became alert, so long as we held down the exits. Sadly, Bubba could only take so much loss and eventually dropped out of the challenge.

Instead, I was joined by a new face, Lizzy. Thankfully, though Wacky also returned, I trusted that with their abilities combined, they could probably do Bubba's job.

While we watch this unfold, I want to quickly say that an Overkill version of this challenge would be a lot of work, so much so that I see genuine interest from you guys to justify it. It took a few tries, but after some growing pains, we cleared out the entire first floor in one swoop. The best part is that we still had three pages left by the end, and there are only three guards downstairs.

At this point, the run was basically ours; all we had to do was take out the cameras and pick off the guards one by one. As long as we had someone watching the stairs, no one could get away. And this challenge is dark. Even though we'd already succeeded, we all knew we wouldn't be doing this again, so we decided to have some fun with it, and by that.

I mean we spent over half an hour moving every single body into the IT room because we thought it was funny; this genuinely almost crashed Wacky's game, and with that, we killed every CV in Payday 3 without the guards noticing a thing. Depending on when the article comes out, the next article may or may not have the new content in it.

We'll have to wait and see. I also wanted to address a few small things. the more observant among you may have noticed, my in-game username is T of the kitten. I tried to change it to fit my new brand, but it didn't work, so I get people saying how it is. I do go by Tasa, though, so feel free to call me that.

Also. I didn't manage to work it into the script, and the article goes up in like half an hour when I'm recording this, but the reason we called it playing poker was on Rock the Cradle; they run to one of the poker rooms. Subscribe on your way out, and I'll bring you back here next time for another payday.

See, you're telling me you didn't see anything. Well, I thought I saw armed gunmen into the frame and started shooting people, but then the screen went black, so I assumed everything was fine. I'm sorry, you know.

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