Everything Payday 3. S 3rd Update

co op

So now, instead of two special enemies spawning, you will get three. This update will, for sure, make Overkill's difficulty a bit harder. Something they also didn't go in depth about is that certain skills will be adjusted, but not Nerf; we don't know which ones, and we won't know until the bad notes are released, so that's something that is also going to be changed. Also, at the end of the live stream, they mentioned some other things that they're either still working on, things that are not coming, or things that are not confirmed.

Payday 3 other things

Payday 3 other things

They mentioned that there will be more interactions coming to Pay3. In the future, an unready button is being worked on, and the loud and stealth feature is actually being worked on as well, so Quickway might be coming back in the future.

Buffs and Nerfs might be coming soon; I don't know when, but it just said that there might be one coming soon. There's still no update when it comes to offline mode, and sadly, there won't be a Christmas event for Pay 3. I can't imagine they just didn't have time to make one, which is sad because I enjoyed the one they hadn't PID to at the end of the day.

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