Gold And Shark Stealth Guide - Payday 3

In parts of the room, man just waits for him to walk by, then makes sure the camera is not watching you, and then slowly walks out so that way he doesn't get alerted and walks down. You can do that because guards don't give a if you have a bag on your back, you can just walk it straight out the front door, and this is how I recommend people who aren't messed up who bagged just straight out the front door take a right There's a garage down here.


There's always a guard that patrols around here, so on the run, I'm like, man, why is this a private area? So I started looking outside, and right there's the private parking side, weird but okay, so yeah, that's so it's a private area. The guard will see you, and he'll walk you out, so there's always what I've found: there's always one camera looking directly at the fan, and sometimes there's another kit camera to the right side of the screen on that pillar there.

I've seen a camera spawn there also, with both cameras there, so either wait until it's not facing you, hack it for five seconds, and then quickly run away, which is what I did here. So after you've moved all the bags, and it's you, this is specifically with one other person who's masked up. Come help them.


Make sure that the way is clear so the heist doesn't up at the end. That's what I'm doing here. I'm just sort of marking things; I nod there, and I'm showing it's all good. Because yeah, it's up to ruin the run here because somebody just didn't help the guy with the mask on. So here is the other way into the garage.

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