How Does Armor Work Payday 3. All Hidden Mechanics Explained


I don't actually I didn't actually look at the times before I did this; it's probably about 4 seconds. I kind of just roughly timed it whereas the four plate vest takes more like 10 seconds much longer to regenerate, this is probably why most of you guys think you need to take plate up when in actuality, you might not if you take a smaller vest, what I find interesting here is that a lot of people have been defaulting to the four plate vest when playing with the one or two plate vest actually makes the game play a lot more like Payday 2 which is what I think most of you are probably used to I know I spent a couple hours on Payday 2 before this one so playing with one and two plate vest, has been a nice change of pace now also included here is remember that tank skill that I mentioned earlier where you get 20% faster regeneration of your armor chunks.


That is where that comes into play, so on the one-plate vest, it takes your armor chest from about a 4-second recharge down to about 3.2 seconds, and on the four-plate vest, it takes it from about 10 seconds down to 8 seconds. Now, 8 seconds in the heat of combat is a lot of time to be alone. That's why the four-plate vest still doesn't seem to regen, even though everybody has this skill on there. Realistically I don't know a single person, that has a four plate vest but doesn't have a point in tank and it's still way too long my recommendation here is try out the two- plate vest because that means you'll have about 6 seconds of regen speed or 4.8, seconds of regen speed depending on if you take the tank skill you can save a lot of armor by regenerating this means you can rely Less on taking armor bags and having all those plates on backup because you're just regenerating your armor instead of eating more armor when you need more, one more thing I'd like to mention is that there's actually a speed difference depending on what armor you're taking with a lower plate count armor you're actually much faster than if you take a higher plate count armor Here's a demonstration of One Versus 4.

Player speeds

Player speeds

Look at that speed difference. That's insane if you want to be the objective guy, consider taking less armor; it's worth it. You'll regenerate more, too. It's great i love it now. The only thing I have to throw in here at the end is that there's one niche thing to bring up that I found, and that is that there are some things that go through your armor and deal directly with health damage.

Some examples of that are falling gas grenade cloakers, and another one you probably didn't know was explosions. From the environment, so not the grenades that you throw, but like these crappy little red Barrel things right here. Explosions will actually damage your armor and your health, and I'm pretty sure it's even so if they deal 100 damage and do 50 armor.

Yeah, that's probably a small bit of information that you may use.



I don't know, so in conclusion , here's the TLDR: about armor, you lose some of it when you get shot, but you can regen the rest of it unless you lose the whole plate. When you're out of armor, you need to restore it with an armor bag.

We're pretty sure all plates have the same armor value, so just because I have one plate vest and you have four plate vests doesn't mean you get more out of an armor bag than I do. There are two play styles for armor: one where you want to just absorb all the damage you take, and one where you want to try to mitigate damage by regenerating it.

Consider the damage mitigation. One more of the Payday 2 style, where the Payday 3 modern style is to just absorb all the damage, there are various skills that will affect your armor, including tank being the best one where you'll get 20% more regen if you're using a lower vest. This can be really important.


It's a little less important on the bigger vests, but putting them up means you'll get more armor for hitting the armor bag. Regeneration speed is tied to the size of the armor, so the smaller the armor, the faster you regenerate it. With that, the faster you move, the less armor you have on, so if you're trying to rush objectives, you want to take a smaller vest, and then you'll get more downs the smaller your armor is.

And then remember, armor isn't the end all be all if you get kicked by a cloak or armor is useless, so consider trying some builds with smaller armor. I've got the medic bag one that people have been talking about a little bit, so go check that article out. Hopefully, this was helpful. If you didn't like it, then I guess you disliked the article.

I learned all this live, so you'll be more caught up on the discoveries because it takes a week or two to make articles. I'm really slow.

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