How I Made An "impossible" Payday 3 Heist Possible

The only issue is that he takes a while when he stands here, so if he can just move and I can just go past, that would be great, because we're nearly done with the timer. Right there we go; the camera's looking, and I'm just going to get past that. I'm going to have to wait for the camera to move away.


I think we have time; the bar still has a few greens left; there we go, and now I can open the vault, all right, spin that wheel, and open the door. Also, I'm just going to back it up just in case the camera sees me. Okay, so that part's now done. Now all we need to do is just steal the money and get out of here.

The only problem is that it takes a while to do. There's also another camera inside this building as well, so we're just going to steal the money and try not to be seen, so throw the bag over here and steal this, but I think we need to steal every single dollar in this building, and we also need to steal the server.

Yeah, so the camera's right there. If I just crawl, it doesn't see me, so is the server in this area? no Okay, well, we can steal the money again. Pick all that up, all right? How am I going to do this without the camera, because it only rotates in two different directions? So that way where it's looking directly at me and then the other way where, towards its left.

I could wait until it turns all right there we go, so open this and try and steal, okay, so what's in here is this the server. All right, there we go, so we pick that up. I'm also just going to throw it down because I need to take the money as well. I don't think the camera sees me right; there is no perfect sight.

It would be so much easier if I had my teammates come in as well and steal the money with me because I have to now deliver all the bags out of the vault. Okay, so the camera's right there. Where's the guard? Let's have a look. The guard is right on top of this, so that's fine. I can just walk past; this is all I need to do.

Just walk out of this building without being seen at all. Now, a little trick that I found as well is that you can also throw the money to your teammates, so I'm just going to throw this over to him and walk back into the vault, so I'm going to give this to my teammate. I mean, the security here is terrible if I can just walk in, take the money, and just walk out, and then they don't even care, so there we go, throw it to Wolf, and I just got to grab one more bag.

I don't i think yeah, I think I need to grab every single bag, so we can grab this all right, so now we have four bags. What I can do is walk over to the garage because that's where we're going to have to try and deliver the money, but the goal is to basically just throw the money away, so I'm just going to throw it down the stairs and take it off my teammates.

This is our plan: just keep throwing the money, so I think that's the goal: to grab all the money and just throw it down the stairs, so let's do it. All right, here we go. Here's the last one, perfect now. The only issue is that I did alert the guard, so he's going to be looking at the vault and noticing that it's opened, so the security might up their level, but we did get all the money down here now.

The only issue as well is that I don't know what the route is for the garage, so I don't know how these guys are going to be moving around, so I might have to be cautious here. I wonder if I can just open up the door and throw the money in there. So far, so good. Yeah, this is the hardest part: just trying to get into the van because there's two guards around here.

I'm just going to wait until the camera turns, and I'm just going to throw it. That was something they completely missed trying again, so we're only 12% done, so not a lot. Yeah, I'm basically seeing the guards, like in The Cars. I think it's actually perfect that the guards are now on alert because they're not following their normal route because they're usually walking, like, where I'm walking, grab this.

We probably didn't even need all these bags. To be honest, we'll see what we can do. Are we actually finally going to get this one done? I've spent so many tries trying to get this one finished. Okay, we're nearly 50% done. Just keep going back and forth. Yeah, I've basically tried this so many times.

I think I've now got like 12 hours into this game, and I think about 10 of them are just on this mission alone. There's no guard along here, so I can open this door. How did I how was I not see? I don't know. Okay, I'm just going to walk away. I don't know how I was not seen there. Can I move up?

No, he's just camping in the car. Now I can't even go to the van. Maybe that's not the way to go because it keeps scanning me, so maybe I have to go along here again. I don't know where these guards are. I've lost them. Are they crap? He found the bag. What should I do? I just threw bags. Someone left their bags there; don't open them.

Okay, where's he going? Okay, I think they left. We're fine i'm surprised they didn't care about the money; they're just like, There's money here. Okay, it's not our job. We're not going to worry about it. We're just parking security. I'm going to throw it again. Miss it pick it up. That's 10s okay, 90% done.

We need i think we just need one more bag, and then we're done. So let's grab this camera here, but it's not looking at me, so we can throw. There are two left. What do you mean by two left? We're nearly at 100%. Throw it in here. You can call it a day if you want, or you can finish this in style and take it all, okay?

Screw, I'm going to try and go for the last one, yeah, so I can basically leave right now or I'm going to risk it and take one more bag because we're already here. Let's grab this. I should deserve 100% of that cut because my teammates have done nothing. He's just going to Camp Van again. He's like, I wonder what's in the back of here.

a lot of money. Let's try to secure this bag. Go on camera's move, dump this, we got what we came from there, we go now, what do I need to do just wa behind this car crap? That's bad i'm going to wait behind this side, then all right, escaping in three 2, 1 perfect I also got an achievement as well, expertly.

Done, gang; there we go. Finally, we've stolen everything without anyone noticing on the hardest difficulty with no upgrades. That was not too bad, but it was actually quite stressful. We got $10,000 in loose cash, and we got 13 bags worth a million. Am I going to earn a million? Let's have a look.

I should be getting 100% of this there. We go 1.6 mil. Yeah, that has to be the hardest challenge in Payday 3. There's no way it's not.

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