How I Made Quadrillions Heisting The World's Richest Bank With No Mask Payday 3

They're all wet. Okay, well, you know what? Maybe if I stick around here long enough, I'll be wet too. Eh, what's this guy doing? This guy's dry. He's assessing their wetness level. That's what this is. It's a wetness assessment. Well, hold on to this, I think. Does that mean that it says server room?

gold and sharke no mask stealth overkill

It does, doesn't it? It looks like the guard standing outside the server room doesn't go anywhere; he just stays where he is. Forever, there happens to be a back door all right, and it's not even locked. Well, that's convenient. I'm glad I didn't try to get through here. Hey, that would have been a bit disastrous.


All right, let's hack this bad boy's decryption. Codes this will only take a second is longer than a second but okay what the hell man somebody overrided the security protocols nobody even asked my permission before they went ahead and did that now this computer should well if they overrided it maybe now I'm going to underwrite it encryption success, enter all right not long to go now just a couple of percent left I'll wait out here so I don't look too sus what does that say Mr shark seems to have gone fullon paranoid and ordered to change up of the codes a real pain in my ass well I guess it's just a combination of the ones at the top all right 7 5 48, there we go all right beautiful now we'll go into the Vault let's open this up all right here we go let's sneak in make sure we avoid the cameras no know where the guards are all right there's one up there Cable controller all right let's give this a crack what does that do okay green all right all right we got to go to all of these and flick the green switches all right well at least we know where this one is green that's one, and then we'll make moves over to.

This mad boy hello green switch that's two search is being triggered what the did I do something wrong I mean it said do the green so I what hold on wait what I don't understand did I do something wrong, all right let's give this another crack shall we green so I guess I'll just do green is that right and then it changes, yeah all right so now it's blue hold on Blue key card that that's the blue bloody blue key card all right well I think I might be able to just yoink it off that guy's belt which I did and now let me see if this does the stuff okay blue now I guess we just go back we check again and then we keep doing that until we've done all of them 4 to 6 days later System error need reactiv, what the hell why reactivation.


Controller disabled; the lasers are off anyway, so I should be fine, but the vault is still closed. It looks like I need to head up to the bank manager's office. Well, let's go back there again. Shall we all go right here? Let me just enter his password, and vault key card reader enabled, yes, and now, mate, we're cutting it close.

Thank you we did it all right. Let's open this camera. I swear, don't worry, security guy. He's in here looking at the monitors. Don't worry, mate, it's fine. We're just airing it out a little bit. The notes got a bit musty, so we thought you knew it would freshen them up. Would freshen them up?

There's a camera, maybe. I should have busted a cap in the security monitor guys ass cuz there's a camera now. I think we're in a blind spot, which is good. Look at all of this money, o la me likey. It's going to be a little bit of a mission getting these out undetected. Actually, no, it's not.


I'll just take him and launch him down the stairs, one Deb to society later, all right, so here are our bags from there, and from there, now it's time to move over here and take care of this one, which is very easy to pick considering the camera is facing like to the right and then to the left, but not directly ahead, then we just sneak underneath it, and that's a mighty big blind spot, and now that I've got all the bags out.

I think I'll take this opportunity to hack this camera and get a better idea of what's going on the level above me. Ah, all right, all right, that comes down here, and then we've got the roof, maybe. I could find a better way to escape if I managed to make it up to the roof. All right, let's do that.

All right, you know what? I'm going to try some big brain moves right here, and I'm going to see if I can fool this security monitor guy into leaving his post by enticing him with a duffel bag. All right, hold on. Let me just close this. This is either going to be great, or it's going to be great.

hitman 2 cheru

Let's just toss it over there. Are the cameras still working, or did I do it? Did they break? Mate, I'll tell you, yeah, I'll tell you that yeah, pay A3 mate, get it up here. Well, things just became a lot easier than they were about 30 seconds ago. We still have this guy to worry about, but that's all we've got to worry about now.

Let's get this party started, shall we? I can't help but feel like it's quiet too. Is there anyone up here waiting for me to stumble? I sure hope not, because I'm thinking that directly below here is the ramp to the car park, so maybe if I just launch my bags off here. I can pick them up downstairs and take them to the van several song-filled hours later.

Hey, mate, can you pop the back? Thanks, champ let's just, well, there you go, payday three, all right. So I did it all again, and now we're on the roof, and there's a bloody guard on the roof that wasn't here last time, so that's great either way. I'm going to collect all 16 bags from down there and just lob them off the freaking side of the building and hope that nobody sees them down in the street.

hitman 3 cheru

All right, this is our last bag, and it just so happens to be the server. Hold on a second; I hope it survives the fall. There it goes; plop should be fine, and the best part about all of this is that even if we get spotted by a guard in the car park, he's just going to tell us to get out. That's it, because we're not doing anything illegal as long as these idiot guards don't come over here and get in the way.

We'll be out of here before you can spank my ass and call me Charlie. All right, it seems like that guard right there has suddenly broken. He's been there for a couple of minutes and refuses to move. I don't know if he's going to see me try and sneak behind him. Bye,

How I Made QUADRILLIONS Heisting The World's RICHEST Bank With NO MASK in Payday 3.
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