How I Made Trillions Heisting Nightclubs With No Mask Payday 3


All right, let's go take a look. It's a he he's very good at that. Yeah, he's obviously had some practice, all right. All right, back to looting the place. I love how I'm able to sprint through this club with loot on my back, and nobody seems to bat an eyelid. Even the lead guard looks at that, and this is where I take the loot and dump the loot, and nobody gives a dam look at this; they've even got a crate in the middle of, in the middle of the club, in the middle of the club, in the public area where people are just drinking and stuff, and now I'm running with a duffel bag full of stuff on my back.

And nobody cares. This is so weird. I love it. Here we go, another very awkward-looking couple. I don't know what's going on here, but it seems like this lady is putting it hard and fast on this guy, who seems very uncomfortable. Come on, lady, leave the poor man alone, and, ah yes, the accounting office is exactly what I was looking for at the right time to who hey sorry.


Hey, now this is where the magic happens if things all align as they should. That's the best possible place that could have been. Look at that H200 green, which is the switch that we're looking for anyway. Let's pick our way into the accountant's office because there is some stuff in here that we're going to need, notably the codes that are scattered about the place, like 2462, then the other one that I believe is in here, 2084, and then we have the third one, which I'm pretty sure is inside of this safe.

And that's another bag, baby. So let's head back here, look at the whiteb h200, green, and go flick that switch. Shall we all be right, H200? Green, where is the H200? All right, here we go, H200, Green, and then all we need to do is head back to the accountant's office and use his computer to open up the crypto wallet vault.

So rather, elementary, my dear Watson observes, and now it's done, and all we need to do is slip through the vent right here and we're in, baby. Check this out; boom, hello crypto wallet. Get in my pocket; you're dirty. Sus running with a duffel bag at 100 km an hour through a nightclub is pretty normal if it's a Friday night.

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Then we race back upstairs and do it two more times, and I think the final bag that we haven't yet got is going to be in here somewhere. Don't move; you're being detained. Like this guy, let's head to the escape point, and as I promised you at the beginning of this article. I don't know which one, but let's put on our masks because we're going to have to shoot someone in the face if they get between us and what we're trying to accomplish.

Let's head through here down to this, fingers crossed, in the hope that this is the room. No, it's not; that's fine. Let's just hold on. The brain has a different meaning these days, doesn't it? Now we're going to head back out here, sneak through this door, and see if we can find the room, which should be somewhere in this direction, possibly through the public toilet vent, which is right up here, and yep.

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A400. Blue is what we're looking for, so now we head all the way back to the accountant's office again, popping off the balcony and using these things to make our way all the way back to the switch room. If I'm not mistaken, I think it was an A400. Blue, so let's open this up, flick the switch, and now we head back to the accountant's office once again.

We're going to make it look like it's the vault, and we're going to make our way back to where we need to get to escape this hell hole, and we might need to just bust a couple of caps and run up to the door. This is the wrong way. That's fine that's fine just run, run. It's okay the thing hasn't triggered yet as long as we run up here before the thing triggers, and that's it.

That's all you have to do. You run up here and are done too late, B, and that right there is how you make an easy 425, 000. It took me 5 minutes and 42 seconds because I was, you know, stupid, but you can do it in much less time if you're not stupid.

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