How I Made Zillions Heisting Art Galleries Payday 3


I think those bars should be up now. There are just too many guards. There are too many guards. I don't know what to do with myself. This is awful. Anyway, let's make our way into room three. Come on, come on, come on. The first floor's nearly done. Let's sh what the HCK is that this seems like it might not be.

a mask-off kind of deal because it looks like I'm probably going to have to jump across those platforms. I can't do that. Why can't I jump without a mask? I guess what we'll do in the meantime is head upstairs and find the manager's office, which the game seems very intent on me doing, and if I'm not mistaken, I think it might be just around this door.


No, it's the security office. Instead, let's go in there and see what's happening in the security office. You look like you're ready for some kind of party; you needed a bigger desk. That's what you look like. You look a bit uncomfortable. I'm also not convinced that this guy should have been put in charge of security.

He's not convinced that this guy should have been put in charge of security; he's not the most observant of fellows, possibly death. We're going to go this way and go back downstairs, and I guess we're going to finish up on the ground floor, seeing as we now have the ability to jump crap. I've got a gun to hold on to.

no, this is no; there's no way I can get those bags to the drop-off point with a gun out. That's fine everything's fine i'll figure it out later. Look at this as defeating a multi-billion-dollar security system by jumping. Sugar, that was a bit close. Look at that done. I'm very, very good at my job.

hitman 2 cheru

Now this is a painting all right, so now what we're doing is relocating all of our duffel bags to the staircase, where I guess we're going to take them to the second floor and Chuck them out the window. At some point, this is me trying to think ahead about something that I'm absolutely not skilled at all.

Actually, it's probably safer to stuff him under the stairs just in case an Uber cop is in here for some reason. Hold on a second, the top floor. Wait, what is this? Is this access to the roof? It is okay. Well, let's see if we have any guards up here or if the roof is completely unattended. This is very uncharacteristic.

hitman 3 cheru

Of an art gallery that's got a bazillion guards on the ground floor this is my kind of OH ZIP baggies, what maybe there's hope for us yet boys I think the manager's office might actually be on the complete opposite side and there happens to be a door leading right to it this should make things hold on, this is not a door leading right to it what is this but we do have a fire escape over here and there's a door too hey boys how you going what's going on fellas it's just me it's just me just chilling boys now I'm fairly certain that just to the left of this door is the manager's office hold on let's have a look here man yeah I knew it I knew it I knew it let's close the door hope he doesn't wander in while I'm getting down to business hack the main frame, now that's rubbish.

Okay, we've got a painting in E4 and E7, and the other paintings are in E5 and E6. Seeing as I'm looting the whole place, it doesn't really matter. I'll just hack this guy's telephone, and then I'll steal his secret USB. Look at this secret panel behind the desk. Don't look this way, mate. The manager just came into his office and somehow failed to notice the giant Apple crouching behind his desk, in a suit with an undrawn shirt and a pair of Golden Gloves.

It's fine; everything's fine, good man. That's why you're in charge of this place, and I'm not all right. Let's just steal all his life savings and his USB thingy. Now we're good to go, boys. Let's roll actually, we're not good to go because we don't have that weird camera thingy of a jig that we had before.

hitman cheru

We're going to have to go back and get it. Actually, I wonder if maybe I can get there through here. Where does this lead to? Is this going to be my undoing? Well, there's only one way to find out. Sh much later all right so we're trying to get that thing on the tripod which we no longer have because we changed our skills and restarted our run but I think it should be down this way hello old friend we meet again all right so it looks like our objectives are not going to progress until we've stolen Greg jud's painting so it's here somewhere in this pile of stuff so let's take it up to the roof and Chuck it down the zipline, no the bags are so far in I can't get them any my No, all right boys, here we are nine bags in the van, which means we're technically back up to where we were before things went pear-shaped Now, what we're going to do in true tactical testicle style is Chuck a micro camera right up there so we can see what's going on before we zip up and down.

no mask

So on camera one, we've got UOP, which is right outside the front entrance thing, and then on the other camera, look, it's me, and this is the zipline floor, which is very tactically testical. Actually, because I'm feeling rather technical.


I have missed you. Get in my pocket; you have a guard in case you didn't. Notice i'm such an idiot all right now I've just realized that this security room looks like my worst nightmare it's literally two different security configurations and that's the switch box over there so like hold on I can drop through the Skylight see look there it is right there that's the thing I need to get to now if I can plop through the Skylight and land on one of these pillars okay we're on the top there's not a lot of space here for maneuverability, this was a really bad decision so I'm just going to I'm going to SL freak all right jump come on come on do it do it do it do it come on turn it up Harry what these are a flipping bollocks that's right I got a bloody open the craps again far out I think this might be yet the moment where we go in for the LCD panel like the true tactical testicles, that we.

overkill guide

Are,, it's fine everything's fine we could kill one more guy and nobody was going to carrying a bag what the central please respond ah everything's fine everything's fine I'm just answering the radio in the middle of the museum it's all good it's fine I'm carrying a dead body it's fine all right here we go back on the last Circle let's get this done also I apologize for the for the absolute sheer chaos that this article has descended into but I am literally losing my marbles and I'm struggling to micromanage all of these guards it's , it's giving me significant anxiety I Hate Everything security systems I've seen Mission Impossible before this is this is easy all right Tom Cruz Eat Your Heart Out Mission Impossible, that's not mission impossible, so this is where we set up the camera and we wait for it to do the stuff, and basically Ally's scanning it to see which is the real painting because there's two, and this one's fake, so let's pick them up one by one, and we're going to zipline our way to Freedom.

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