I'm Done With Payday 3

This may be the last article I upload for Pay 3. I've been thinking of making articles on the game called Exify that you're watching the gameplay of. I'm going to make my channel mainly focus on Exify rather than Pay3 when it comes out. I've enjoyed my time during the test session and can't wait for the full release that is coming soon, so this is just a heads up if you mostly watch me for Pay3 stuff.


I'm sorry that I just can't continue with Pay3. I think it's time for me to move on. So yeah, that's everything I want to talk about today. Pay3 is in a rough spot right now. You may never know how things might change over time, but we'll just have to wait and see. Leave a comment below if you're still playing Pay3 and if you still enjoy playing it.

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