Mastering Payday 3: Essential Tips And Tricks. 1/



All right P3 has been in early exess for three days now, at least if you purchased one of the two editions. While playing, I stumbled across certain features that weren't clear or even explained at all and needed some trial and error to figure out. With the upcoming official release in about 10 to 11 hours, I decided to compile a small list of tips and tricks that you might want to know before stumbling into the game.

Most of these tips and tricks are also frequently asked questions in the subreddit or in the Steam forums. That's why I've decided to specifically answer these questions and explain them a bit more, so the confusion gets a bit reduced. Once again, a lot is not really well explained inside the game.

Restarts dont randomize the map

Restarts dont randomize the map

QR code phones, civilian and guard placement, and any codes, keypads, or other objectives. As you can see in this example on dirty eyes, we check the computer, and it says the code for the keypad is on the whiteboard in the staff room right here, so we're going to go and check the whiteboard. Second, we will write down the code on the whiteboard; in this case, it's 8823.

Now we will restart and take a different route on one of the keypad doors, and the code we have just checked will still work on the door, as you will see in a second. Obviously, you can steal plenty of stealth by doing this. Simply watch The Objective, where the code can be seen while it is down, restart the level, and make your proper stealth attempt.

As you can see right here, let's move on to number two.

Public/private/secure area explained

Public/private/secure area explained

Tip number two The game splits the map into public, private, and secure areas in public areas. Obviously, you can walk around as much as you want; suspicious actions will still alert guards and employees. In private areas, your presence will alert any guard or employee. A guard that has spotted you will walk up to you; don't panic, request that you fall; follow him, and he's going to escort you back into public space; don't leave the circle as it met; agitate the guard, and then he will handcuff you as you can see.

This makes it quite easy to snatch any key card from a guard who has tried to escort you out of the area. The private area is a bit of a different story. As usual, any employee will be alerted to your presence, as will any guard; however, in a secure area, the guard would run up to you and try to handcuff you.

After handcuffing you, you will alert all the other guards, and everyone will enter a search mode. In this mode, all the guards will randomly patrol the entire secure area of the map until they find anything else. This also includes small bathrooms and other tiny rooms that are usually a good hiding spot, Buddies, or something else in Solo.

A bot can be called to help you, but most likely, this is going to happen. There's also a skill in which you can freely uncuff yourself; however, the search mode is permanent. Let's move to tip number three.

Bags on your back count as secured loot on extract

Bags on your back count as secured loot on extract

Tip number three is a short one. Any BS you carry on your back will count as secured loot if you escape a heist. This also includes any back on you, your friends, or a bot, and yes, bots can carry your bags. Simply throw a bag at close range, no Bel. Bot, and he will start to carry the bag around, as you can see, and in this example, you will see each bot had a bag; I had one on my b, and I still counted as fully.

Looted, let's move on to number four.

Melee is useless

All right Melee is kind of useless in this game. In P2, we had funny, crazy, and ridiculous melee weapons to mess around with; however, they all got removed in Payday 3, and we only got this puny weapon bash. Unfortunately, it's pretty much useless. I've tried to kill anyone with it, and as you can see, I do get hit markers, but the guard doesn't die now; he just got shot by my bots.

Yeah, I'm not. Sure, there's so far only one use I have discovered with this melee bash, and it's that you can stagger the person you are hitting. It's a good defensive tool if you need to reload, but you can't even stagger a guard or police officer multiple times because they get immunity to another stagger attempt for a few seconds, and sometimes it doesn't even stagger them at all.

As you can see here, it almost feels like there's a global immunity to being staggered that's going on here, as you can tell, so yeah, melee is useless; I'm just as disappointed as you are anyway. Let's move on to number five.

Canceling a reload doesnt reset the animation

Canceling a reload doesnt reset the animation

Tip number five Cancelling a reload doesn't reset the entire animation. Does the sentence make any sense? Anyway, if you are M reloading and decide to sprint or bash someone who would cancel your reload, it won't reset the entire reload animation. Pay attention to the AK once the mech is detached and I interrupt the animation.

The second I try to reload again, my character only leads to inserting the new magazine since the empty one was already removed prior to me interrupting the reload. This works on any weapon and might be useful in some situations regardless. I also think this kind of detail is amazing.

Special units and their unique interactions

Special units and their unique interactions

Okay, special units, we all love or hate the cloer; he must be on some DS, but I can assure you it's not, because as you will see shortly Yeah, I know this joke is bad, as you will see shortly. He is standing on my armor and pouring some kind of acid on it, trying to break it. That's pretty much it about the cloer, and now we're going to take a look at the grenade, as it will blow up, staggering anyone in the game.

As a little fun note, the Grenadier wants to throw his gas grenade if you are in close proximity to a civilian. Now, this grenade is built just like we have seen, and he will blow up, staggering anyone in his proximity, including yourself. The next one is a taser. He's quite simple. He has a big battery on his left leg, and if you shoot the battery, you will shock anyone in close proximity once again, including yourself.

As you can see, it doesn't seem to do any harm.

Overkill weapons showcase

Overkill weapons showcase

Damage , overkill weapons The grenade launcher is the first one you unlock and comes with 12 shots in total. The grenades either explode on impact if they hit an enemy directly or after a brief delay if they don't hit an enemy directly. They are also a really good weapon to accidentally kill all of your hostages, and keep in mind that if you are too close to the explosion, you will damage yourself and kill yourself.

Other players are immune to it, and also keep in mind that the grenades can lead to a chain reaction of fire extinguishers or barrels exploding; it's quite a strong one next up the red fox antimaterial rifle. It has a built-in heart monitor or wall hack. Call it however you want; it can pierce multiple enemies, and you've guessed it right, it can shoot through walls.

Hello there. In this video i will cover a few essential things to know about the game. Stuff that isnt explaind well or is just hidden behind a wall of unknown mechanics but also some basic knowledge about the gameplay. Pointing out some key differences compared to PayDay 2 Melee being somewhat useless in PD3 as an example.
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