New Payday 3 Update Details Are Here

What's in progress?

What's in progress?

But without delaying any longer let's move on to section two what's in progress, these are all changes that star bre are looking to make there is no certainty as to how much they'll change between now and them being added to the game and even less certainty about when they'll be added to the game but firstly I'm pleased that the techie is being addressed further their drones are now being made easier to notice, we know that their testing making the drones easier to see and hear on top of other things but as of yet there's no concrete detail on how they plan to do this only that it's something they're aiming to achieve before the, were introduced it was mentioned that in the future their drones would not be targeted by centuries.


Now star breze are entertaining the idea that these drones can hack our centuries, if a sentury is hacked it just overheats, it doesn't turn against you or get destroyed or anything it just overheats the same as it would as if it was destroyed by regular law enforcement we were also told around the time of the Tech's release that they were going to be getting another drone in the future and we now know that will be the Tactical drone the Tactical drone will try to Blind the player and if it does you'll lose all your active Buffs and be unable to regain them for 20 seconds, and hacking these drones will likely cause a flashbang effect to nearby enemies while on paper I'm not a fan of this idea at all there are a number of questions that I'd one answered before writing it off entirely, how often can these drones blind you how difficult is it to avoid being blinded by them how long does the actual blindness last is it the same blindness as a flashbang.


Or something new, and do they have the same spawn rate as other drones? But I know we'll be getting more information when this new drone actually comes to the game, and I really hope that 202nd drone has more accessibility. Is reduced to something like 5 to 10 seconds at the very most. I know 20 seconds doesn't sound like a lot of time, but I can imagine that once you're actually in Heist, it'll feel like an eternity.

Skill line its base skill grants you an additional 50 Health, as well as grit every time you heal to or above Max health for the 50 Health alone I can imagine this becoming an easy onepoint investment for almost any build but for a second skill point its a version provides you with another down and 50% increase to your bleedout time and its Mastery skill provides two charges to your deployables, allowing you to reach the full eight slots that you can see on the models in game it's worth noting that despite this skill line being geared towards the overheal mechanic and the medic bag this effect applies to any Deployable, there are also five upgrades coming to this skill line the first being that when another player uses your medic bag you will heal for 40%.

is worth it

Of what they healed for, and that can take you into overhealing. The second is that your maximum health is increased by 15 for each down you have; the third is that whenever you overheal, you gain an additional 10% of overhealing for each down you have; the fourth is that your overhealing decays 10% slower for each down you have; and interacting with a first aid kit pauses the decay for 10 seconds.

The final upgrade is that having any active buffs reduces the damage you'll take to your overall health by 50%. This has the framework of an exceptional skill line, and I, for one, can't wait to see how this overheal system affects the game. I do think that some of the wording for these skills and upgrades needs clarifying.

new update

For example, in the first upgrade, it says whenever a crewmate heals using a medic B, but Mio clarified that it needs to be a medic bag placed by you specifically. While this may seem obvious it should be reflected in the description of the skill and again I should clarify that all of these numbers that I've just mentioned in regard to that skill line are subject to change and speaking of change to skills we're getting an update to some of the pre-existing, skill lines with the addition of a new skill Clean Slate is a skill that allows you to retrieve your first armor chunk by interacting with an armor repair kit and will be the new Mastery skill for the tank skill line disengage, the previous tank Mastery skill will replace Swift as the Mastery skill of the escaper skill line and Swift will become one of the upgrades for that very line while I'm not huge on the idea of rearranging.


Pre-existing skill lines. I think these changes work well it's also been mentioned that the ziv Commando SMG, and Northwest assault rifle are going to be getting some love, this is much needed for the ziv Commando if you ask me but I was surprised to see the Northwest assault rifle here too I thought that as a weapon it was quite well balanced so I'm interested to see what changes are made there and last but certainly not least for this section star Brees are looking at allowing players to purchase favor, from the lobby screen and Heist specific favors with C Stacks.

As well as still earning them from drops. I can't even begin to explain how happy this change makes me. I found myself avoiding certain heists until I had some of their specific favors, and so having the ability to purchase of them is such a good change.

What's being explored?

What's being explored?

I'm hoping that the utility of the favors is taken into account, and 20 C stacks, if you ask me, should cost between 5 and 20 C stacks, depending on the favor.

And now let's move on to the last section of what's being explored. These are more or less ideas that either haven't begun to develop or are in the very early stages of development, and they are a new two-play armor type that doesn't take permanent damage unless an entire armor chunk breaks and can therefore always be healed back to full durability.

Currently, this armor gives you three downs: the speed of the lightest armor and a regular speed between the light and medium armors, personally. I love the idea of chunks that always regenerate to full, but I think it may be a perk more suited to a skill line than a whole new armor type, though the likelihood is that there would be an accompanying skill line for this armor type anyway.


Starbre is also entertaining, with the idea of an additional skill point being granted to the player at level one as a new consumable. Slot, so that we can hold on to medkits and armor repair kits that we find on each heist. I could see this being really useful on heists like road rage and no W for the wicked that usually end up with you leaving a bunch of these kinds of consumables.

This week, Starbreeze gave us some details about some changes coming to Payday 3. Some of these are coming in the next update and others further down the line. In this video, well break down these changes and look at them a little closer. So from new skill lines and changes to existing skills to updates to the Techie and their drones, lets dive into this well of new Payday 3 update information.
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