Ob & I Robbed A Bank The New Payday 3 Multiplayer

I threw one, okay? Okay, a lot of busy, okay? Here, I've got this one. I'm going to go ahead and put it in. Hey, we got him right by the thermite. Okay, back real quick. Okay, just stir in another termite. I'm glad not to have to deal with the drill right now. Geez, there's like right on the thermite.

Okay, he's down. How are you doing over there? Okay, I'm putting a Medicare bag right by the thermite in case he wants some medical attention. That's the fire alarm. yeah, get it right there. Try it, get it. I got it. I got it better off real quick. I'm running downstairs. Go check make sure there's nothing we missed.


Normally, there isn't money in the main area. The executive deposit box We have to find that. Well, that's going to be probably in the state. That's just optional. Yeah, but it's probably in the thing. There's still people in Hell, everybody. I'm just taking some money here. I'm just looking around these offices real quick.

It's okay i just made this a little extra cash. What the heck? I just had a cop zip line beside me, and he flew past him. I hear it there. He is yeah, he did not do that right. That was very good; there's more coming. My goodness, looks are coming down the building snipers. Okay, get the sniper one down.

The left-side sniper down got him all right. Just going to toss one of those little fun grenades out there, go back and look for more codes, uh. Okay, crap, that was good, okay, going down okay, my yo, this place all right here, you lock pick that I'm a lock pick okay, some deposit boxes my this is so much quicker than it used to be.


Yeah, okay, I have money. I got the whole safe open. I have a bag right here. Wait, what are these things? It's like disarming the die packs. yeah, you know what? The knife hacks to go off went off. That's not good. All of them went over someone. Okay, well, I've got some bags in here, so no, am I stupid?

I don't know what happened. Okay, let's just hit these safe deposit boxes. Okay, yeah, one of these is going to be the executive's box. Geez, they are right here. Are you sure I would think so? Okay, yeah, executive boxes. I don't have the code, okay? That doesn't sound good. Taser man, they're coming up from the hole and coming through the thermite hole.

Okay, if we can just get through this police assault, that'd be great. I've got a bag with me. You have a bag, right? I got a bag, yo. There are some bags in the safe deposit box, okay? Okay, the police are regrouping. I'm opening up all these things you did a lot of too. Yeah, buddy, these are so much quicker; it's a lot better than it used to be.

is amazing

I totally agree. I just wonder how we could have gotten there. If you buy the dye bags or the die patches, you have to disarm them manually, but it's going to take a lot of time. That would definitely make it explode. I have another bag. Try throwing your current back at them. That's how you're making a penny too, okay?

I got one on the bag, okay, so one of them's holding the bag. Okay, I have another bag here. What was that? It's a ninja. Okay, cheese, the salt's incoming. By the way, yeah, keep rolling. We're almost there. Okay, I mean, at least we're going to open all these. There's a lot more money. Okay, that's the last one.

Okay, I got one here, all right. We got three bags with us right now, so we got that going. We're going to refill my ammo too. All right, nice. Yeah, I'm going to do the same thing as well. Okay, we have to reach the rendezvous viewpoint, so we need to shoot our way out of this place. All right, all right, sure, easy enough.

is good

Geez, it looks like it's so carry the dye bags. Wait, you guys, maybe there's some redeemable money in there, all right? We'll maybe hand one to the other guy who doesn't have one, okay? He's got a guy in here with us. Okay, wait, the zip line just dropped that right above us. Yeah, that's an idiot.

Yeah, okay, where are we going to lower the ballers? They've got the road-blocked snipers. Yep, okay, one's down all right. Keep going come lower it. Okay, I got you covered right here, and then I'll go get the next one. Geez, that's one down, all right. I'm going to have the next one cover me.

Hold off until the getaway arrives, all right? We need to find places to hunker down here. Yeah, for real, there's a grenade back there. Have fun with those buddies. Maybe bring it back inside the building so you can hover down. I don't know if you'd go back in. We want to be near. I don't want to wait too long because if we missed our pickup, maybe just hold this alleyway on this alleyway.


yeah, okay, they're coming for both sides, my goodness. Okay, you don't have to have any more ammo bags or anything, do you? I don't, but we have an overkill weapon. yeah, maybe we should call that in. Okay, I can't. I can't call mine right now, so this must be you, my. Okay, we're dropping down.

Did my weapon come with a model? What questions where do they drop it off? I don't know. Okay, hold off till we get there. See it, let's see it, yeah, all right, let's go I see your Overkill weapon put money in okay money's in all right Hey, we need to get the money from them. My goodness, the ninja just kicked me.

Hey, give me your money. Okay, I got his buddy. You have the other guys, buddy. Yeah, I got the other guys money. All right, let's go get out and get in this order. I'm just grabbing this car. All right, it was a little messy, but we have secured this. Okay, how much money do we make? Though that's all I care about, that's a good question I do not know.


Call me probably not as much because I messed up the dye bags. I mean, we picked them up for $62,000. Well, there were still like nine more bags in there, though sixty-two thousand. Yeah, I mean, it's okay. It's decent that's decent pay for an afternoon. I'll take it.

OB I ROBBED a Bank in the NEW Payday 3 Multiplayer Funny Moments Gameplay.
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