Payday 3, 1 Month On - I'm Done

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Not being able to even choose who your AI teammates are is ridiculous. Not being able to C customize your tmai was a cool feature in Payday 2 that should have been in Payday 3 at launch not having even an insightful pre-planning thing which I argued so many times over the last few years was such an important part of Payday 2 now it's just pick a favor, that's it that not being there sucks not even be able to see a layout of the map there are some features that could just make payday 3 so much better than it already is that just weren't in there and if all they do is get ped offers this wasn't in Payday 2 at launch but who knows when it might appear in Payday 3 it shows that you're not really ready to commit to many suggestions from the audience, and you need tock. That because I'm sat here thinking there are so many cool things you could do and if you tell us some of the things we can get excited then we can be with you and support you because we go we know you're doing something cool and we can then back it more it's all very much this would be cool or this is on the table and there's no better example than offline mode which has been proven several times to have existed within the debug mode payday 3 it was built in the framework, and after a week plus of server issues, you still said nothing about it and pretending it was just something on the table that you were going to consider when let's face it considering you've not mentioned it since I don't think you guys have talked about it since that's how I feel right now and I do not like that is what I'm saying cuz I feel like I'm getting cynical and I don't want to do that I don't want to ever become that person, but this is what happens, when you don't talk to us and to make it all worse.

Starbreeze used ai. and lied.

Starbreeze used ai. and lied.

There's also lying going on now. I'm going to be honest with you here, and I know it's not the most reliable thing to say when I'm making this point. I don't remember who specifically told us this because I've been trying to find evidence of it and I can't find it anywhere. I think it might have been on a stream somewhere, but I honestly don't know for sure.

But I know because of the partners who corroborated this with me; you can see Rob Anatas and Tcock on Twitter both saying they are also partners. At some point, Starre told us that the art in the under-the-surface Art Gallery was not AI in any way, shape, or form; it was done to be a spoof of AI, but it was all 100% designed by real people.

red archer

AI is nine times out of 10 as far as everything I've seen in research, and I know people have' been looking into this as well. It steals from existing art to create new art; it takes influences from across the internet. Including the work of other artists, which means their work is then used and repurposed into something else, and they're not given credit; they're not given royalties.

Why do we think the strikes right now for actors and writers AI is one of the biggest problems because writers don't have Security in what they write thankfully that's being addressed but actors also don't have that I have no doubt that AI can be used for good I genuinely do think that and we're going to be living with AI forever, we've just got to accept that and if you're using AI in a game which has as much of a present as payday 3 at least did at launch I would argue it doesn't have nearly as much now in the last month but if you're using it in that game then you're basically normalizing, it and pointing out to other people hey you can use AI to create new things for your for your game for your project for whatever it is and there will be people out there who will use it the right way the ethical way but most people either won't know it's not ethical, or won't care enough to work around it you cannot.

red archer live

Be setting these terrible examples and then lying to people after it, and yes, it's all well and good that there was an actual art team that used the AI and got paid for actually making the art, whether it was through AI or not, but the people of the AI who stole the work from are still the ones who are left out with their work being used, not even getting credit or paid for it.

Someone's still getting hurt. It doesn't matter that there was an art team that still got paid; the use of AI is not without victims. I mean, if you want a really big example, look at the secret invasion intro of the Marvel show that came out a couple months ago. There was a huge issue over that because it used AI in its intros.


People used AI for the intro secrets of the show, which came under Flack, because AI was using art from other sources without giving credit because that's what AI does. It's been a big issue in the last year or so, and all payday 3 is doing is adding to that problem. It doesn't matter what the intentions were that you've added to it, and then lied about it.

Final thoughts

Final thoughts

Everything right now with Payday 3 is making my blood boil. Boil, and that's why I'm taking a break because I can't be bothered with this anymore. I won't be doing a news article or a stream about Payday 3 until this clears up, because I've had it enough.

It took me about six or seven years to get to the point where I was only playing Payday 2 for articles or streams. I've been at that point now for payday 3 within about 3 weeks of release. I don't play the game casually; my friends don't care to play; and I don't really care to stream it. I mean, it's the game that got me a Twitch partner a couple of weeks ago.

I should be so grateful for that, but it's been completely overshadowed by the fact that the game is just not fun to play. I don't like the progression system. I don't like the lack of communication. And I don't like the Vibe community right now. Whenever you say something about payday 3, positive or negative, the comments are always negative, and I don't blame people.

I see so little positivity right now at the game, and that can be fixed if you control the narrative. Talk to people, share the information, and stop sitting on your hands and not saying anything because, at some point, even I'm going to give up. I have been doing my best to back this game as much as I can and trying to offer hope when I can, but I am becoming cynical, and I can feel it in my heart.

Anyone who knows me knows how optimistic I am. I liked Morbius. For goodness sake, that film was panned by everybody. If I can find good in that, I can find good in bad situations. It would be so easy to fix a lot of the problems right now if you talked to your audience instead of just occasionally logging on Twitter to share a bit of fan art or say that one of your developers is streaming.

Do something, say something, and I am sick to the teeth of saying it, which is why it's the last time I'm saying it. I'm watching the article there before I scream and push a chair over because, honestly, I'm at the point where I've had enough.

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