Payday 3: A Rough Start

You could play online or offline, meaning you could. I mean, it's pretty simple. Just means you can load the game without a connection, play, level up, unlock stuff, yeah, unfortunately. A while ago, they announced that this game would always require an online connection, which, of course, is bad because it makes the game reliant on servers like Reddit now and in the future.

gameplay trailer

If the game goes down or is not supported anymore, you won't be able to play it in general. It's an accessibility issue, and the fact that there's no offline play is. There's times in the Early Access period where I would start a Lobby and I would have to wait like a minute or two for it to find the [__] Lobby so I could play with my friends.

An issue that's very much an issue I'm a bit conflicted on this because, while I don't believe the outright reason why they're doing it online. I think it has something to do with them wanting to control the content they're actually making. The actual progress speed of players now? What do I mean by that?

Let me figure it out, okay? I didn't script this; I have to put it in my head before I can say it. Payday 2 had a lot of cheaters. It doesn't really matter if you're playing solo and cheating, but if you're cheating in a public lobby where other players aren't getting anything from that, that's kind of shitty.


I don't know if it still exists at the moment, but I know there used to be something like a DLC unlocker tool. If a publisher is looking at that and that's in the game, they definitely want to cut that out at all costs. You know, you don't want to allow people to just install a mod and get access to it.

With all the DLC for free, I don't necessarily believe that it's worth it to cut out an offline mode. In the case of hackers and cheaters, there should probably be some other method of blocking or banning those players from playing online. As they've already mentioned, there's no offline play in the works, and it's something that is very important to the game in general.

Bottom line: There should be an outline play if there's one in the future that stinks, unfortunately. I do have a couple more critiques of the game outside of offline, play, and server stability; in general, the UI is a big downgrade from Payday 2. I think the look of it in the game is okay. You have a lot less information than Payday 2 to just like a preference thing.


I missed a little interact circle thing, and the police assault yellow box at the top that's a nitpick that's not really a real critique. Even with a pre-made party, everyone gets disconnected. You have to invite them all back, then queue up for a lobby, go in the lobby, and then play the game. It's annoying compared to Payday 2, where you would just complete a game and you guys would all be in the lobby already.

I'm also concerned about how they did progression; in this game, you have to level up all your weapons, which I don't really mind. I do mind how they leveled XP and General in this game, so in Payday 3, you have one instrument level. I have to say this isn't really explained very well. I kind of just had to figure it out, which, I mean, isn't the biggest deal, but it just shows how unclear the XP system is.

You have a whole Cod-style challenge book, and when you do all of these, your level goes up. It would be fine if you still got flat XP from the missions, because I can imagine that in the future, if you're just playing and you have your weapons done, your level's not going up. Gamers love when numbers go up.

in 2022

I feel like a lot of people were fine without Payday 2 progression, so I'm not sure why it's so different. I really doubt it's expected that you do absolutely every challenge and reach max level unless you're like the payday gamer, but there's some challenges where it's like complete road rage on Overkill difficulty 150 times.

I think the leveling system is overall convoluted. And it is not as satisfying as payday fans would expect it to be. We also have to talk about this shop system they have. You can convert your money into this other currency, and then you can buy things like special weapon skins and stuff like that, which is cool.

I like that the menus in general are just. I'll have to say that again. I'm expecting for them to add more and more stuff because the mass selection in general and the parent selection are pretty small, but I think some of those are also in the challenges, and you unlock more of those higher tier ones with a higher infamy level, which is based off those challenges, so there's still that, like the Flex factor.

is amazing

It's really sad to see a somewhat poor launch for this game because I think it's actually pretty fun. You know, I blasted 20 hours of it up until this launch. I completed all the heists out loud and stole some of them on Overkill, which is the max difficulty, but not all of them. You know, I really want to unlock more weapons and do more builds and stuff, but I can't even play the game right now, so that's not good, unfortunately.

Like a lot of games I wanted to enjoy this year, it's just that it has a lot of potential, but it's not there yet it's not there Sadly. I wouldn't recommend Payday 3 to people who are new to the franchise. I have limited experience with it; there's not enough in there to justify a $40 purchase. The base game is forty dollars, but they're doing the same DLC model, which I'm also very mixed on.


Their DLC model for Payday 2 was very successful; you could join missions through it, have friends who own it, and stuff like that, but there is a lot of it. The catch is that it goes on sale pretty often. I'm sure in a year you'll find Payday 3 on sale for a pretty good price. I can't recommend that you buy it for the base price right now at 40 bucks unless you're a big payday fan like me at a Bare Bones level.

The gameplay is fun, and you know it can only go up from here unless it doesn't, but you know it can help you go up for me now. Payday 2 had a lot of drama in his lifetime. I had the whole Loot Box drama; it had a lot of trials and tribulations. I'm excited for the future of Payday 3, but this is a very bad start for the game; it's not good for introducing new people to the franchise.

I don't know what else to really say about it. I bet you could expect more in-depth articles in the future on specific heists or other [__] at MF. Mouse 2 will probably have a Payday 3 article up in the next week or so, based on some clips from my gameplay sessions. Yeah, I hope that was an enjoyable watch.

Yeah, have a good day. Bye, Foreign,

First impressions and review of the long awaited PAYDAY 3. Been playing it a bit, have some good things to say, got some bad things to say. That's how it is.
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