Payday 3 Best Early Game Build


It's your boy, next generation Venom, and I'm going to be giving y'all the best early game build on payday 3, man. Now this build is going to be tailored towards, obviously, the best mission in the game for money and XP, Road Rage, man. Okay, don't worry about these other quiet highs. You could play them for fun.

Worry about road rage. Man and Taylor, your build towards this is okay. Now the guns are up to you because this game is a challenge-based XP system. Okay, the more challenges you do, the faster you get your XP, so your guns are always going to depend on you. Now I would stick with the first gun, obviously, max it out, and then move on to other guns.

That's what I would do if I were y'all okay, and also the pistol. Stick with the pistol. Now let's get to the skills, man. This is for an ammo build. Okay, if you want to be an ammo bill, to start off, you want to go with this. Okay, I'm only going to put six points into these builds, so let me go ahead and take that off.

Okay, you're going to want to start with ammo specialists. Another ammo bag, two additional charges—this baby right here, okay? and you want an infiltrator. Why do you want an infiltrator? Because you need to get inside that [__] money truck and start picking locks. If you're not useful at anything else, at least pick some locks and get these bags out fast.

With this Rush ability right here, you bag a little 50 faster, and most of the time you're going to be dying on this mission from getting these [__] bags. Okay, I see it all the time. People die all the time getting bags, so make sure you get an infiltrator. This is all you need, fellas, with your first six points.

Now, as you start getting more points, you obviously want to throw a little something on the tank. You feel me and, um, start going crazy. Go on, enforcer. Look at that. Go stupid right maybe you want to tie the hostages faster. Drop a little manipulator on that. Okay, but if you only have six points, go with this on your ammo build and give the whole team Mo in yourself now.

If you're an armor builder and you like running the armor bag, okay, let me switch to the armor bag. There we go. If you're in the armor bag, what's going to happen is that you're going to go to ammo specialist one, two infiltrators, three, four, five, and six. Okay, that was six points. That's going to be your armor build.

That way, you give armor to teammates and you can kind of mix it up, but the infiltrator stays the same the whole way around, okay? You want to be useful off the rip all right until you can get more skills and go crazy now. Let's go ahead and match-make with some Randy's, and I'm only going to be using six points, okay?

I'm not using my other stuff. I would bring the first gun out, but nah, I'm leveling up this AK right now. Okay, so I see my teammates; they are all ammo builds, so I'm going to bring an armor build out. I am not going to bring my ammo build out, so I'm going to stick with this loadout, and I'm already up.

If your other teammates have an ammo bag, it makes no sense, doesn't it? Let's get this party started. YouTube, I hope everybody's having a great day out there, man. All right, pay attention to what I do, man. Obviously, my teammates didn't grab the box, so he's going to grab the bags. Okay, if he wants to grab the bag, what I'm going to do is I'm going to be useful.

I'm going to move this forklift out of the way, all right? Set up the EMP and make sure there are no sieves. Escape, or we're done before we even Yeah, the box is right here. He wants to open the box. I'm going to hit hostages in the meantime. The box is always around this area to open the gate on that side.

It's always in that little area right there. Get your ass down, tie up, and if you don't have the bag on, go ahead and just tie up the hostages. Don't let them all Escape. I'll show you where to put this ramp in a minute. Okay, everybody's tied up perfectly. Sometimes there's money up here. Okay, now we're going to go put that ramp down somewhere.

The ramps will always be right here and right over here. Okay, perfectly executed. Keep at it. The remote steering device gives us control of the vehicle, and that's what you want to do. You want to set up these ramps. If you don't have the ammo, I mean the ammo bag or the mission bag. If you do have the mission bag, you're going to throw it by this tire over here.

They hate you; you gotta throw it by this tire, and this device is going to pop up if you do grab the bag in the beginning. It's very simple, fellas, and you just turn on the machine like that. In this instance, you'd want to grab hostages off the ground, so I'm going to find a hostage boat, and I'm going to follow the truck.

Why am I grabbing a hostage? Well, because there's a challenge that involves hostages. Okay, and you gotta walk around and show people in the head; it's part of your challenge book, okay? And as your teammates, you guys need to stay in the circle. I see a lot of people play this game, and they don't stay in the circle.

Stay in the goddamn circle. That way, the truck could move faster if you stay together as a team. Throw a little smoke; if you don't have smoke, just have a regular frag grenade and throw it wherever they spot it, which is going to be right here; they're going to spawn right here. Okay, I can't miss it; it's right here, and they're going to spot it over here.

See how I got under the truck? Boom, so once you get under the truck, after somebody places this device, you do that, you open it, and then you cut it. After you cut it, the back is going to open just like this. Okay, obviously, this article is more tailored for beginners, but maybe somebody's going to learn something from me.

Now you might be wondering why you're looking so fast. Well, it's because the infiltrator makes you lock big like a crackhead, and that's what you need on this mission, the best mission of the game. Now, when you grab it, you're just going to throw the bag down like that because you have Rush on right now, so you have to be in a rush.

Come back down and throw the bag down. Okay, so I'm getting hit, so what I'm going to do is I'm going to go down early. Let me see. I just can't stop shooting people in the face. I'm going to be as useful as I can. But I want to go down next to my teammates. I do not want to be away from my teammates when I go down.

Constantly reviving each other, look at that in our normal. We got all the bags, and now everybody's running towards the end. I might not make it; I might get shot on the way there. That's all right. And after all the bags are there, you just come over here with your teammates and run as fast as you can.

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