Payday 3 Best Stealth Build: Stealth Build Guide With Explanation And Ranking For Stealth Skills

Signal catch is a little too situational for me to think that's super useful. The way you could use this is to do a guard with people who might detect you in between where you shot the guard and where you are, and then you can still answer the guard's phone, and that'll give you more time to, like, find a way around their body to pick it up, but most of the time you're not.

stealth guide

You're going to want to be very close to their body as soon as you kill them, and you're going to get to the radio in time anyway. Battering ram can be really high-tier depending on your play style if you're trying to do something like a speed stealth run. This is essential; there are some points where you can use it in a similar way to QuickFinger, where you can batter-ram through a door that a camera is watching and go around the doorway really quickly.

In that way, you'll be able to go through undetected, but the problem with battering rams is that they can make a lot of noise, which will attract guards depending on the area type that you're in. I do think it's a good skill, but a lot of the time quick fingers is going to achieve, the same thing that battering ram would just would let with less noise, and finally, there are a few good skills on your CQC specialist's CQC specialist, and this is going to make it to where if you use a takedown, if someone sees the body you used a takedown on, instead of just immediately calling a search or calling the police.

stealth loadout

They're going to have to investigate it for a little bit, and they'll usually have an indicator above their head so you can know that they've noticed the body. You can go back and take care of it. It'll give you time to take care of them. It's kind of irrelevant if you're going to move the body anyway, but then cover-ups are kind of just a quality of life skill.

You take down a guard, then you answer the radio right away. I can't think of a situation where I have taken down a guard and not been able to answer the radio anyway, so really, this is just to do it a little faster, similarly to the open mic skilled up LC2 answering radios faster, so here is.

Stealth skill rankings

Stealth skill rankings

The order of importance I have all of those in is.

Stealth equipment

Regarding equipment, just having a silence pistol is probably going to let you deal with pretty much any of the threats that you would normally deal with.

I like to have an ECM jammer, so that way, if anyone starts to notice me, I can throw that down, and it gives me way more time to work with. A microcam can be useful to make your own security camera. Basically, the motion sensor is going to mark people who walk near it. Like I said before, marking doesn't help me a whole lot, but it can be kind of useful, and it really depends on your play style.

Throwing knives is the only equipment that is stealth; the rest of these are going to make you out of stealth, like immediately. If you're going stealth, then standard lining is the best choice because you're not going to be taking damage, so moving as fast as possible is all that matters. Now I'll show you how to use some of those perks.

Perk usage showcase

Perk usage showcase

A glitch protocol: I can basically just let a guard notice me and then hack his radio. I'll just walk by him. If you're in a secure area, I'm pretty sure that they go into search mode after you do that to them, but it's going to disable them and let you just get away from a guard for free.

Secure Loop is going to allow you to hack a camera just by having a line of sight on it. On top of this, people don't even know that you're attacking the camera, so it's not considered an illegal action if they see you. You can also swap between cameras and choose which camera you have Secure Loop on, but since this is the one I'm focused on.

I'm just going to right-click and use it on this, and now this camera just won't detect me no matter what this is. What I would say is the best part for stealth: if you're wearing a mask, you have grifter, then moving within one meter of a civilian or employee is going to give you a rush. You can combine this with things like fast fingers to instantly breach areas.

stealth perks

Also, having Grifter will make it to the point where, if you're massed up, people who aren't guards are going to be intimidated when they see you. This is going to give you a lot of time to react to whatever they're doing and take care of them, so you see, he's basically just stunned for a long time since I have Grifter.

This is another really good mask. Moving social engineering means that if you have Rush, you can do illegal actions in front of employees or civilians, and they just don't care. If I didn't have it, then this guy would be noticing me and trying to get me arrested right now. This only works if you have your mask off, though.

stealth skills

Here's what happens without social engineering active. Now I'll show you slippery, and on top of having uses like being able to just break out at cuffs, you can do things like brute force your way by doing something illegal, and getting cuffed, we need to search the area. I got a trespasser, and you can just break out of your cuffs, and you can skip big parts of missions like this sometimes.



Yeah I think the rest of the skills I showed are pretty much self-explanatory, so that's it for this article.

This guide was made with the goal of showing and explaining what I believe to be the best stealth build in Payday 3, but depending on your playstyle, a few perks could be substituted. Other Payday 3 videos.
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