Payday 3 Beta: The Good, The Bad And The Technical

In beta, it's just weird. It's just kind of weird. Now, this kind of person has been getting different results and stuff, but from what I've seen, this game isn't actually that optimized. I know it will probably be a little bit more optimized when it's fully released, or at least I hope so, but the game just seems to be a little unoptimized, as there are freezes, stutters, and times where the GPU isn't getting fully utilized, and when the GPU isn't getting fully utilized, that means it's a CPU bottleneck, so I'm not exactly sure what's going on there, but there are times where the GPU is not at a high percentage, which then lowers the performance of the game.


Now there are a few things that I want to talk about that I really hope are improved or changed, though I kind of doubt there's going to be a whole lot of changes when the full game releases to some of this stuff, but it's just either things I want improved or changed and I just don't like compared to Payday 2, the first being the main menu.

I really think the main menu stinks. I think the menus in this game just stink; they're just worse to navigate, and they're just worse than Payday 2's menu in my opinion, and don't even get me started about the lobby SL pre-planning screen because that's also just as bad, if not even worse, than the main menu.

Another thing that I don't like about this game, Payday 3, is the new skill tree. It just feels a bit off and kind of bland. I don't, I don't—that's the best word I can use to describe it right now. Maybe someone knows exactly what I'm trying to say, but I don't know anything about it; it just doesn't feel right, and I just don't like it at this moment anyway.

gameplay walkthrough

Anyway, that's all I'm going to say about this game until it fully releases and we can dive more into it, see all the content that it's got, and do some deeper.

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