Payday 3 - Easy Guide For "dirty Ice" Overkill, Solo Stealth Guided Run

Overkill all right, I'm scared this guy might come in here, but no, he won't, okay? But yeah, pretty, you don't need to clean out the jewelry, I'm pretty sure, but it is best to do so if you're trying to make some money while you're doing this as well. Yeah, I think he's going to go downstairs. Nope, he's just big, chilling, going to hack your all right; that's not ideal.

What I'm going to do is I'm actually just going to come over here and jump out of this window and make this easier on myself, so like I said earlier, if you do that initial first loud run, it makes this dramatically easier by just knowing the pass code so that you can grab the manager with ease. That's 20 more per bag, okay?

gaming challenges

We need four more bags. You can do it without going loud on the first run, but most likely you're not going to have enough time to grab the manager unless you're really, really fast. But yeah, if you want to play it safely, you can probably just do a quick, loud run like I did there. First, and yeah, you'll want to, also, kind of motion sensor the lead guard, but I have not seen them at all.

If you haven't seen any other of my articles and you haven't seen this tip before, you can actually just throw a motion sensor on the lead guard's ass and you will track him 24/7; all of his movement will be tracked, but I have not seen him the entire game. I think he glitched; he's either glitched or he's like searching all the wrong places.

Yeah, the lead guard isn't much of a trouble or a problem because, like I said, we just stick a motion sensor on him, and we can see where he is at all times, so it's extremely easy to avoid him. He's the easiest boy, and he is the easiest security guard to avoid because we get to track him throughout the entire play.

hardest difficulty

Okay, we get to track him the entire playthrough, so he's very easy to avoid, so he wouldn't have made much of a difference, but it is quite weird that I just have not seen them, and yeah, this last bag here should secure our run here, and it was quite a lot easier than I expected, but yeah, it's quite an easy map to be honest with you.

So yeah, you can choose to escape right now, or you can just kind of go back and grab extra bags. You know, you can also try to go into the front and get control of the room and try to take some extra loot, but you're pretty much done. But yeah, I'm just going to go ahead and call it a win. If you're looking to farm extra money, you probably shouldn't be playing this map anyway, but if you want to get the entire map worth of money, then you're going to need to get control of that room there in the front.

So yeah, we were playing Overkill, and it just so happened that the lead guard did not show up at all, and it's weird that those missions are popping up now as I've done this map several times. Anyway, that's it for today's article. I hope you guys enjoyed it, and I'll catch you guys on the next

Figured i'd make an easy guided run for Dirty Ice, considering doing it for every map, but im not too sure yet ! Most efficient way to win in my opinion. Buy Payday 3.
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