Payday 3 Gameplay Let's Play. Breaking The Bank

Shane's is actually placing armor down, and look at that Dallas is playing at policing ammo, so that's actually really, really good, and I'm going to get some armor. And, there we go, and I'm going to get some ammo even though I actually haven't even used my second weapon, which is hilarious. Usually, you would want to use your primary weapon most of the time, but I didn't do that for unknown reasons, and we are now good, so I should in theory.

It's actually really nice that they placed those down now; I don't think they did that either before. I don't seem to remember that at least, but that's very cool, so yeah, all we need to do now is basically just hold out, and we should be good, and I am very pleased. Actually, you can customize by the way you're a crosshair as much as you want.

This is my custom crosshair that I just fiddled around with. I think it's quite good. I think I might make the dot a little bit bigger or smaller. I'm not sure at the moment whether I like the size of it, but you can customize your reticure however you like, so that's actually very nice anyway. Are these guys actually going to put their bags in?

I know I have to pick this up from them. Ah, yeah, there we go, okay? So I can actually pick it up from them. They are not going to do it themselves, which is fine. I suppose okay that's a new special is that a new special though I'm not entirely sure but this guy is literally killing us right now because Dallas is being a bit of an idiot but there you go all right so there we go we've got four and we're done that's it yeah I actually had to get three bags minimum beforehand, to be able to even escape and, there we have it look at that we actually did it pretty fantastic and look at this I completed a whole bunch of other things look at that defeated cloaker shoot a grenade belt on a Nader and so on and so forth and look at that out of the how many bags what is that , 10 yeah 10 bags out of the 10 bags I managed to get for them obviously I'm solo at the moment so of course it's not really gonna.

It's not really going to work out too well, but look at that. It only took me 14 minutes to do that whole thing. That's crazy, so yeah. I shot a grenade belt on a Nader and defeated 10 enemies. You know, you can change any number of things, like you can literally just get, you know, you can get like a Viewpoint one a Viewpoint one you can get all kinds of crazy stuff, and then we also have this, which is indeed going to change your stats as well.

I don't know whether you've noticed that, but you can see the stats down at the bottom here. I would love to see some actual values on these bars rather than, you know, just bars, because, then, you're not going; you're actually not going to know either way what is actually happening here because what is this out of is this out of is that is this out of a hundred you.

Know is this out of 100 is this out of 50 what is it out of we don't know so we have no idea whether it's going to make a difference but I'm actually gonna probably take this because this does provide me with more stability its handling is a little bit lower but I'm gonna go for it nevertheless because I think it's gonna look kind of cool too it being on it so why not do we have a new Barrel no we don't have a new Barrel no, new grip or anything like that don't really care about that anyway we've got a stock potentially as well and then we got the grip and so on and so forth and of course you can purchase new weapons too if you want to so there's actually a shotgun here personally for me I absolutely loved the shotgun back in the day I used to create a character that was kind of similar to a bulldozer but you, had the ability to dodge and, obviously yeah I mean there were so many different character builds that you could create back in the day it was just absolutely insane so yeah there's obviously a different armor that you can indeed buy different, secondary weapons as well and you can even design your own masks if you so desire to which is really quite fantastic I actually really enjoy the fact that they have created all these kinds of things I mean look at this look at how many masks are actually available right here and even look at this you can even get spray cans and things like that not entirely sure what the spray cans are for.

I guess you can spray your mask; maybe that's what it's for, and then obviously you have these. I have no idea what these are. The exchange rate gets worse the more snacks you buy at the time of resets. Once exchanged stacks cannot be converted back; they're an encrypted currency inside. I have no idea what that means, but as you can see, you can buy them for use on the on the crime net as I say I have no idea what that means I do have a couple of very cool looking masks and things like that already as you can see right here and I'm using dark Sterling at the moment because well I'm playing as hoxton who is indeed British of course he is and yeah otherwise, you can of course play a tutorial if you so desire and you can of course change what you're doing in regards to playing any of these heists there's a huge amount of them in actual fact there's so many that I have no idea about any of the others.

Let's Play PAYDAY 3! Heisting simulator, super fun with friends. Had a blast playing PAYDAY 2 back in the day with over 500 hours in it. The sheer joy that can be achieved by escaping with a huge amount of cash is just unmatched.
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