Payday 3 Honest Thoughts


Well, payday 3 is finally here. The review will probably be out next week, but these are just my honest thoughts. It is a mechanically and environmentally very good game. I have it. I have it open in the background while I'm recording this, but it is a very good game. The shooting is very tight, and the direction of taking weapons and having them go more by feel than actual stats is a great change, and honestly.

I've been able to sort of feel out and pick my favorite guns off of that. It's all been very well, but there's just a few oddities with the game that I don't understand. I just don't understand why they would make decisions like this. Always being online is one thing, and you know the servers are down as I'm recording this on launch day, but you know I'm shocked.

No, I'm not. I'm sorry i lied i'm not shocked. I'm not shocked at all. On day one of the game, the game servers aren't up. But one thing I am shocked about is that you know how matchmaking works because there are only eight heists in the game, but they all work based on your picking the heist. LOB hobby type: public friends only invite, and there's no sort of, you know, spur-of-the-moment decision because of how it was with Payday 2 and Payday the Heist.


Systems I've seen people mostly on Reddit complain that there are two little guns in the game. At release H, in pay to the heist, there weren't even the AK, the striker, the grenade launcher, or even the Sentry the turret that came in the wolf pack, so P of the heist didn't even have all the guns it's known for, not to mention, at least from what I've played with presets.

Weapon presets do feel mostly like guns; they feel pretty much like a new gun. Well. I wouldn't say a new gun, but there's definitely a different vibe and feel of the weapon, which is what they're sort of gauged off of, between your primary weapon and the same weapon with a weapon. Preset skills: I like the skill system.

I don't have all of them as of this recording, but I really like the skills; it definitely feels a bit more open than Payday 2. Payday 2 It felt like you had to have skills to play the game. It feels like you can definitely get through each heist, and the skills are only there to assist you; they're not there to facilitate you doing stuff.

before you buy

The only skills that I'd say you need are skills that enhance weapons, like enforcer with shotguns and, probably, hacker and stealth, the hacker tree. Those are the only real skills that you'd need for a play style. Hacker is great at stealth, but it's not necessary, and enforcer is there to just make shotguns a bit, you know, pack a bit more punch, but they still will actively One-shot, headshot, most cops, but the skills have been great.

I'm a bit disappointed with pistols; there's only four or so in the game. I actually checked this; there's six: 1 2 3 4 5 Yeah, there are six pistols. I haven't played with the last two, the S-Signature 403 and the Bison, but the other four definitely have a good feel about them; they all feel distinct.

I don't get why they changed the names of some of the classic weapons, as in the SP Model 11, which is supposed to be a 1911 standin. I suppose I could just be wrong, and maybe it's like it's meant to be a clone of a. 1911, like a hard baller or maybe like a Kimber, but yeah, from John Wick, but from my understanding, it's been the cross kill 11 or cross kill from Pay the Heist to Payday 2, and now it's SP model 11.


I don't know what's with the name change; same with the Strika. Strika went from Strike, and I think it was 26 in Payday 2. S St R yk7, but the castigo still has the same; it's castigo 44; it's but now it's J&M castigo 44 instead of Smith and Wesson. So I don't know. I don't get why they changed the names for it, like the AK.

I mean, I get why you know the default 762 x 39 AK has been renamed because it was just the AK before, but now it's the KU, 59. I don't get it. I don't know why it is AK trademarked. 2 There was a way to test out weapons in the safe house. You could load up the safe house, and you can still do that in the new safe house when they get that with the Home Improvement spring cleaning.

breaking bad

In this situation, there's nothing to do other than try. You can load up a heist. The heists are good. I'd say each one of them is solid, but I feel like on a few, and specifically on the nightclub rock the cradle, it's almost like there's too many options to approach The Heist, and they kind of get muddied with each other, so it was kind of confusing the first time I did it.

Road rage is straightforward, same with yeah, and dirty ice seems a bit confusing. When it comes to how you open the vault with the manager and stealth, I've still never gotten or filtered out the diamonds in stealth or gotten the blood diamonds in dirty ice, but that's another. Story, just for sake of continuity, like some Heist specific, especially no rest for the wicked if you don't open the vault in stealth and it goes loud, no carry of progress.

I'd say rock the cradle, but when it comes to sort of mechanics and stealth, probably under the surface, I'd say my favorite track out of all them now. I've only listened to them a few times, but my favorite track is probably No Rest for the Wicked. So, that's something, but we're here for the hard-hitting facts.


You want to hear about my opinion on Payday 3 because it's just my honest thoughts because I already think the shooting's good. I think the heists are good, and there's some just weird menu decisions, but what do I think of the game? Do I recommend Payday 3 to two people? Would I recommend them?

get the Gold Edition or the Collector Edition or the Collector Edition, and, as of this moment, with what there is to play with payday. I would say get the standard edition for what there is for the game; this is $40 worth of content, but if you have faith in Star Brees and you want to already put the money down for the future and see the next heists and the weapon packs and see where this goes, go ahead and put the money down right now for the silver Gold Edition, and the masks that come with them are honestly really cool.


The skull of Liberty is cool; dark Sterling is, I think personally, cool. Look, you know it's a shame about the PS5 guys, but then again, that's what you get for having a console with no games. I'm kidding, of course. It's a real shame that this happened. They obviously didn't give enough attention to PlayStation, but it is what it is, so that's about it.

I don't i'm not going to knock them for the amount of weapons or the heists or anything like that, but yeah, that's basically it. Yeah, get the standard edition gold and silver; probably not too much worth it, but if you want to go ahead and put the money down for the extra DLCs, you know you can go ahead and do it; that's the way I see it, and besides.

A small collection of my first thoughts about Payday 3. 946 My Verdict on Payday 3.
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