Payday 3 Important Tips For Beginners

Armor bag

Armor bag

what's good YouTube, it's your boy next generation Venom, and I'm here to give y'all five essential tips that's going to help you guys start off really strong on payday 3. Okay, starting off with number one, you want to go to your loadout. You want to make sure that you have an armor bag. The reason why you want the armor bag is because your NPCs that will be with you inside the heist are going to give you ammo medic bags.

They don't have a lot of armor bags in the game, all right, so make sure you go with the armor bag and use the frag grenade. The flash grenade is pretty trash. Fraggrenade is amazing against those Riot shielders. If you throw them behind them, they'll turn around, just like it shows you training, and you just blow their heads off.

It's really nice. Okay, that's tip number one, tip number.



Second, make sure you upgrade your weapons. After your first heist, it literally only costs like ten thousand dollars. Look at that. I mean, this one costs, yeah, too much, but yeah, this one costs, yeah, ten thousand. Throw it on your pistol. Okay, if you like the silent approach, I go in loud every time, and I'm going to tell you why in a minute, but make sure you put that silencer on your pistol.

It still shoots really accurately and great. I literally kill snipers with this setup. You guys, basic ass, I'm killing snipers off the roof with a pistol, and I also throw a reflex sight. You know what I mean? Throw a reflex sight on your AR. Go stupid okay, this one's really nice too. I just haven't gotten into it that much. I like what I got another thing, um, skills okay, so let's go to.



Our loadout skills are okay, boom. When it comes to your skills, get the essential skills. Go with the ammo specialist first, especially if you're playing solo. Go with the ammo specialist first, and then when you get a mower, you want to get medicated.

You want to get the very first ones. Once you upgrade enough, you're going to want to get played up grit. Okay, this synchronizes. I mean, that's pretty freaking nice. You know a lot of invincibility going on, so make sure you put those two together, and, just yeah, man, stack up the fun things.

Don't stack up like this. Okay, steady hands you don't need. That's garbage medical bags are not as good as armor bags. You're not going to be using them, so don't put any in. Don't waste your points. That's all I'm saying. Don't waste your points. Okay, you can go with the same setup I got, and you're going to do really great, you guys.

I played on hard, and I've played on super hard. I haven't finished Overkill yet. Looking forward to that, Tools. I never use these because I go in loud, but if I were to use one, I'd probably use infrared once you unlock it. Let's see.



Here's the next tip. Okay, the reason why is because the heist goes by way faster, you guys. What does a manipulator have? So just go with the loud approach every single time and make sure your guns are right. I still use the silencer on my pistol because, um, I silence my way to the safe and then I go loud, so I'm a little bit different with my strategy.

And then the last tip I have for you guys is to make sure not to spend your money on dumb cosmetics. I think I spent another 30 to $50,000 cash, which is nothing. That's like one heist, and I literally got this super dope-ass mask customized myself. Okay, my pattern is super cheap. Looks great, man.

That's how you start off strong on Payday. Don't spend too much money to look good, and it even matches my tie. You know what I'm saying. We're pimping out here, you tell me, but these are my essential tips for you guys going loud. Don't spend your money on stupid things. Use the armor packs. You know what I'm saying.


Don't waste your skills. If you got them, baby, All right, you guys have a nice day. I'm out of peace.

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