Payday 3 Is A Loud Spaghetti With Server Issues (payday 3 Review)

Actually, now that I think about it, a lot of the things that Payday 3 is doing seem to be trying to steer very hard away from what Payday 2 not only learned from but adapted by implementing all sorts of unique ideas and solutions to all kinds of cool missions and problems again. This seems like a very new team that is very inexperienced, but they should have at least expected all these problems.


Does that mean that the game is completely awful? No, not exactly; it just needs to be improved a bit more, if not a lot more. If you play on a console. I'd say hold off on buying it, especially because you might get screwed over worse given how the refund system works differently on consoles than on Steam, but if you play on a PC.

I'd recommend waiting a while as they have to implement a lot of very massive fixes before you can even touch the game again. Hopefully you found this article informative, and hopefully it made you a bit more informed about your purchase of Payday 3.

Payday, one of the more well known video game classics and with its new and sudden sequel payday 3, its a question of what they did right and wrong. but whoo boy did they do wrong. with an always online multiplayer, a hard server crash on day one and still noticeable server issues it seems that the game itself has taken a substantial plummet in popularity due to these problems as its a good game yet nobody can even play it.
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