Payday 3 Is Broken


All right So I just woke up, and we're going to hop into some Payday 3. All right, first we're going to check for an update now, for some context, and the reason I'm going to seem really irritated in this article is because Payday 3 launched yesterday on Early Access. I know people are going to go, Nick.

It's early access, and you're not guaranteed to have access even though the game is technically launched for the gold and silver versions. Look, okay the thing is, they said the game was going to be playable on PS5 at launch, and it wasn't okay; in fact, it wasn't playable until the next day. So, I have kind of a unique schedule; um, I work nights, so I got home around three or four a.m.

and finally could play the game, and I believe it had only gotten fixed an hour or two before I actually got home, so yeah, the thing is, that's completely unreasonable to me. I bought the game on PlayStation 5. I could have bought it on my Series X. I didn't get to play it until I actually got home from work that night.

always online

I was waiting all day, basically trying to play it. Call me a loser. Go touch the grass. Yeah, okay, sure, whatever, sure, all right, but let's get into payday three okay, because last night I don't think I had one game where I actually played with more than one person, and what I mean by that is that payday is a four-player co-op game, so you expect that you're going to be playing with, you know, three, four other people most of the time, other people actually including myself, but I only was in a game with like one person, one other person, and I kept getting like the same people, so I don't know what's going on with their matchmaking, or what, and I know there's going to be people Nick Nick, but you just said you got home really late; there probably just weren't that many people on, okay?

Well, right now it's midday and it's 4 p.m., all right? I just woke up let's see let's see. So we got up to touch the sky, which is actually the last mission. Let's see if it puts a hey, I mean, it's midday, right? All right, searching for a match, the sky Normal public, there should be no problem, right?


It's a fresh game; there's got to be hundreds of thousands of people playing, right? across all platforms, what is this—a lobster on my own, a whole lobster just to me, just a whole lobster just for me, just for me and myself, and I am you for real? This is a great game. What do you mean? It doesn't have a single player.

This looks like a single player to me. I mean, it looks reasonable enough, doesn't it? Am I crazy? Am I not getting into this, and I keep seeing this mentioned by people offhandedly? Yeah, it's just kind of weird how there's not; it doesn't seem like there's a ton of people playing, or maybe I'm just not getting the lobbies that other people are.

I don't know; it's weird. The only people I've seen that are getting full lobbies are Twitch streamers that are playing with friends. AKA, other Twitch streamers and I have not seen somebody get like a full lobster yet on Twitch. While I was clicking around, I was seeing tons of people with one or two other people if they were lucky, and then a bot yesterday.

is bad

I couldn't even get into a game with more than one other person; it was just one other person and two bots, so I have no idea what Star Breeze is doing. I'm not trying to blame them. I'm just asking why this is happening because this is a cross-platform article game that is supposed to be matchmaking on all platforms, and I don't think it's really working as intended.

I guarantee you there's probably at least a hundred of these touch-the-sky heists going on right now, and for some reason it just keeps making empty lobbies, and you can sit here like I sat here yesterday refreshing the lobby over and over when it would get down to almost starting to go back. I would go back and restart the heist again just to be like, Okay, you know, let's give ourselves some more time.

Let's see if someone joins, and if nobody joins, there might be one other guy who joins and then leaves because he's sick of waiting for another person. So what's going on payday three? What's going on, you guys? I know, look, I can excuse the Early Access launch on Playstation. I'm not super irritated about that now that I got to play the game.

is broken

What I can't excuse is that plus absolutely horrendous matchmaking that never gives me teammates, and, look, I'm good enough to play on my own. I can do this solo, but this is an online game. If I wanted to go play any heist right now with anybody, I could go on Payday 2 and do it easily. So, why can't I do this on Payday 3?

Like somebody was saying on Twitter. Look. I don't know about that maybe, but all I know is if they can't figure out their math matchmaking system, they don't have a game because that's quite literally at the center of this game, and there's no option for me to just play offline and do my own thing, so I have to contend with this matchmaking system that doesn't even work.

I'd love to hear if I'm just being a dumbass or something. Am I just being honest? You know, gobbling on the star Breeze. At this point is that because it seems like there are a lot of people dick-riding, and I kept hearing about it. I looked on Twitter, and people were like, stop, death-threatening.

is broken on launch

star Breeze PS5 players, and I'm looking around for these death threats, and I'm like, I don't, I don't see any death threats. What are they talking about? Star Breeze, but I can't seem to find these death threat tweets. I don't i don't know, man. It's just kind of funny, that's all I'm saying, but yeah, I'm going to sit here for another five minutes and then just try and do this heist on my own.

"But Nick! The reason Payday 3 wasn't playable on launch was because Sony messed up.
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