Payday 3 Is Not What I Expected


Sometimes they would rope down from the ceiling, and I could lay a turret right where they're going to land, and it would take care of a lot of them before I even had to go there myself. There there's, also enemy types like the person who uses a taser that'll shock you a teammate that's to get you out of that there's a Grenadier that will blow up when you kill them or they'll start chucking grenades at you there's like this Juggernaut, type that'll just rush towards you when he has a big minigun that's a big threat and by far the coolest one and one that I was not expecting is this enemy type they call the cloaker which well basically I think run around the map invisible, and then pop out you'll hear this kind of Screech and they'll run towards you and if you don't take them out before they Ninja Kick you to the ground, then they'll just start pummeling you, and unless a teammate comes and knocks you out of that kind of stunt phase, you're locked down, so they're a really threatening type.


They also look really cool; they remind me of a mix between the Splinter. Cell operators, and like a hunter from the division, that was really cool, and overall, the level of depth and complexity in these gameplay segments is really what hooked me. Like I said, the puzzle elements are great, and I really like how the environment kind of fits into the whole puzzle.

Maybe there's a certain code displayed in a room, but there's also another code in another room, and you don't know which one is to the computer you need to unlock until you try them both or figure out which one leads to which, and like I said, if you're doing that all stealthily, you know, my friends and I found ourselves in these maps for, well, over an hour, and it wasn't.

It didn't feel like a drag. It honestly didn't feel like that amount of time. It was a lot of fun. As is the case with pretty much any game, one big point of feedback I would give is on the UI, both across the menus and in the game. It seemed a little bit too complex and not well defined enough, but that's easily something that can be fixed in a post-launch update.


The game is built around four-person cooperative gameplay; it will backfill your lobbies with bots if you don't have a total of four people, but if you do, that's really going to enhance the experience. That's certainly what I came across while I was playing, but my friends, those are some of my thoughts and a look at paid A3.

I've really enjoyed my time with it so far.

PAYDAY 3 is the much-anticipated sequel to one of the most popular co-op shooters ever. Since its release, PAYDAY-players have been reveling in the thrill of a perfectly planned and executed heist. Thats what makes PAYDAY a high-octane, co-op FPS experience without equal.
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