Payday 3 Is Perfect

online gaming

Sang is one of my favorite snipers; no sniping. I don't know why I just like that and on the topic of sounds there was still that classic cloaker, sound that still haunts, my dreams and with quips I wrote down that I wanted payday 3 to be a little more serious I, did enjoy the humor of Payday 2 and I wanted some of it to travel over but I did not like the extent it went with how many jokes the game made Making It ultimately hard to take it serious at times though payday 3 has jokes but still keeps a serious tone kinda, closer to Payday the Heist which was actually another one of my points I wanted this game to be more like the first in the series than the second and they actually hit the mark there and speaking of older games you can't have a Payday game without the clowns and of course the clowns we all know and love make their appearance in Payday 3.

We have the classics from the first game, Hoxton. Dallas chains and Wolf All are sporting new outfits that are customizable, and that is a new great thing that you have to love. You have to love good customization in games, especially. Online, as you want to look slick Robin Banks with your friends, we also get one returning character aside from the main crew, which is Joy, and along with that, we get Pearl, a new heister to the crew.


Along with this, enemies like the cloaker and taser are different and, in my opinion, well-looking. Barriers and even stopping police so that the van can get to you there is just more to the missions than get in and get out and I really enjoyed the more fleshed out heists and while you're in these heists the police and hostile system is totally different as well and honestly a lot better not, only can you take people as human Shields but the hostage trading is totally different as well not only trade them to get your friends back but you can also trade them for resources and more time speaking, of more time the police actually back off leaving you for a bit I know they did that in Payday 2 but it was like you finished off a wave and that wave was over here, you can physically see them leaving and retreating as if setting up negotiations.


Before going back in, it just feels better to have a more diverse police system while still keeping true to the classics we expected, honestly. I want to move on to the last pro I want to talk about today. For being a completely new area we're seeing the detail on the Towering skyscrapers, and cars parked on the road all looks fantastic along, with this they fixed the big issue that was in Payday 2 which was how dead the streets and cities were there were maybe one or two people hanging out with cars driving by but only ways down the road not, to get in your way it always felt weird to me like a custom map in some games as there was a huge City a huge map but the only people seems, to be where your objective was that fixed the know with New York there are amazing detailed cars driving right by you people left and right that don't look like they're just wandering around aimlessly, as if they know they're an NPC people, looking around hanging out talking to each other and though it is scripted it just feels a lot less scripted than the previous entry they just made an immersion factor to the playable world that was way better than both payday 1 and 2.

payday 2

But honestly, as I said, I could talk for days about what I enjoyed if you knew my previous thoughts on the game. I was super excited for it as I loved the previous two entries, so.



I'm just going to leave the pros where they lay and shift right on over to the few cons that I found in Payday 3. Okay, fine, we can talk about the bad things now, even though I love the game enough to not want to talk about it, but there were honestly a couple of things that were just impossible to look past.

I'll start off with the menu, as I mentioned before. I liked the high-selection menu. I liked the settings. I like the options menu, but honestly, I did not like just the general menu. What I mean by this is where you select your weapons, outfits, and masks. I just did not like the menu; I didn't even like the Payday 2 menu, and I wanted it simplified, sadly.

payday the heist

Though I spoke in my mind a little too soon, the menu in Payday 3 just feels way too oversimplified. And it just feels lackluster. And lazy the next thing I really did not like and probably the biggest con for me is the fact that you cannot play offline they give you the option to play invite only though somehow you still have to wait two minutes to join your own game and then when you're in game with my perfect, internet connection at least the, game would lag and have connection problems frequently like I just want to play alone sometimes and it sucks when I have to play with workarounds another thing I feel like this affected is that I did a full 30 minute long Heist the second heist to be exact and the objective was to stop and transport a truck full of money after finally getting it where I needed it fighting off hundreds of enemies then getting the truck open there was no Loot and nothing to do like, the loot was just missing from the truck causing.

Final thoughts

Final thoughts

And really, I want it in terms of the pros and cons. I could talk about the game all day, but honestly, it would probably be me ranting about stuff I just like about payday games in general. I really enjoyed my time playing Payday 3, and I think that for only forty dollars, this is a great deal for payday fans.

I also want to say that this is the beginning of the game's life, and after seeing what happened with Payday 2's content, I can fully expect to see so much more to come in the future. I also want to say now that no, I'm not just hopping on a trend or a bandwagon because Payday 3 just came out. I heard that a lot from my past Starfield article, but honestly, if you've been a fan of the channel for a while, then you would know that I've been talking about these games being especially hyped for payday 3.


So no i am not trend-hopping; I'm just returning to the games that I said I would return to, but that is that I returned to Payday 3 on its release, and I have to say that I'm quite happy, and I don't take back a single thing I've said with my previous thoughts leading up to its release, but with the great graphics, awesome gameplay, and great classic characters.



Now I'm going to go unlock some more stuff for PayDay 3. The boogeyman is coming for you. Look out for the pigs. Look out for

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