Payday 3: Much Ado About Nothing

I believe the context around the addition of this is what's most important in how it's appraised. If it came on day 10 of an incredible crimefest campaign with multiple new heist weapons and narrative twists. I think we'd all go Yeah, that's pretty cool, but it doesn't; it's basically the flagship content drop of this update, so it has to be evaluated as if it's what's going to bring players back into the game, which it most certainly is not capable of doing.


It looks like we're waiting until the boys in blue have something new to play around with anyway. The dev update article rounded off with a mention of bug and crash fixes, which is always fine with me again. I think most studios tend to fix problematic bugs in the background and shove them at the back of patch notes to inform all of those potentially affected.

Payday 3 has tended to shout from the rooftops about its bug fixes, like they're somehow going to save the game, so I'll always take this with a pinch of salt, although it will be nice to crash less on stream. So what's the overall appraisal? I honestly find it hard to get overly excited about the bare minimum finally taking place.

But even so, the joy is just sort of gone in these development updates for me. I remember back in the day when we'd get dev insight into crimefest updates, and it always just seemed like they had so much to show. For us to be excited for now, the production value on these articles is higher, but it's just poor Elizabeth trying to drum up some enthusiasm around features that have been notable in their absence, not great innovations of the genre, so as ever, the jewelry is out until we get our hands on update 6.

Partners have yet to be able to test it, so it could be full of surprises that just haven't been mentioned here. I doubt it, but I do know it's going to be a very busy few months for Stars if they're going to get all three legally bound DLC releases out over the next four or so months.

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