Payday 3 New Update Soon - But There's Not Much

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I mean, all you've got here is quick play; you could merge your party; you can skip an intro-cut scene; there's a shot grenade. It's not really the bigger changes from the operation. Medbag, you want bigger changes. Give us the server browser that's like that's a big change or the progression, they're the big things so I'm not particularly impressed by this update, just on paper, when it comes out we'll see maybe there'll be other things they not Ted about I highly doubt it but I am glad I will say they fixed about 98% of crashes, that's a very important thing so there's some decent stuff in here and as I said for the player who will come back when for example boys and blue comes out whenever that's going to be they'll be quite happy you know they'll come into it and go there's been quite a few changes There's new skill stuff, and there's new skill points.

They've allowed me to use Quick Play or merge parties, so it will feel like a better game overall. But update to update, this is it; it's not great. It kind of makes me sad because Dev Update articles used to signify proper big changes coming to the game, and that's why I think twice now that a Payday 3 Dev Update hasn't really said much.

The best part about this article was the editing. Whoever edited this gave them a raise because it was really cool what they did with it, but because of it itself, I'm not going to pretend I'm anything but disappointed. I don't want to be the cynic, but I'm trying to run off what they're giving us and give my honest thoughts, and my honest thoughts are that this is not an update that's going to bring people back to the game.

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People want the new content, and I do worry that there's a balance that's not being achieved at the moment between operation medic bag and actually adding content. People keep asking about boys and blue. If anyone's paid for the silver pass or gold pass, you're still entitled to get boys and blue when it comes out.

Even if you're on silver, it's just incredibly delayed. It should have come out in March, but it's clearly not coming out in April. And if this update tring into May, I don't know if there'll be another update in May. Maybe boys and blue aren't coming until June. I don't know, and I mean, if boys and blue are so late, what happens to the other DLC heists?

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Are we going to get them past the end of the year? I really don't know until we get new content that you're not going to notice a notable shift in player base, and that's what annoys me a little bit or concerns me for this game. I want to see it turn around, and whenever I criticize an update like this, it's coming from a place of someone who wants an update to come out that will make the game fun, and I just don't think this is going to be the one we're getting a bit better update frequency, and that is a nice thing to be, you know, noting down and keeping track of, but either way, we'll leave it there.

If you have enjoyed it, please give it a like and click subscribe if you haven't already. To stay in touch with all future payday 3 news, as soon as this update drops. I will do a article on it, although I don't know what I'll have to say because, you know, if it's only as much as this, it's going to be a very short article, but either way.

I will let you know when it drops, as well as the inevitable blog this Friday that is apparently going to be talking about the loud modifiers, which aren't coming in this update but apparently will make the game a little bit harder for people who thought it went too easy on the whole adrenaline thing.

We will hopefully see more solid content soon. I think I'm losing track.

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Starbreeze just dropped Payday 3's newest Dev Update video, detailing everything coming in the next update for the game.
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