Payday 3 News: Adaptive Armor" Looks Promising

You can also pair it with as I mentioned earlier the upcoming Clean Slate tank Mastery skill that's coming in the same patch as this armor, the skill will let you use armor repair kits to restore an armor chunk if you have no armor so that means if you're trying to play as aggressively as you want to and you're taking a little bit too much damage and you're losing all your armor if you find armor aair kit it will restore one chunk and you can keep trying to keep the one chunk going, or find an actual armor a proper armor kit and put two plates on then it's up to you but there are options there with that skill and I think that's going to be greatly appreciated, but it does confirm, that skill and the armor will definitely be in the same update.

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Hopefully the next one will also mean fortitude, and Overhill will come with it, but that's obviously going to be confirmed later or close to the time. That's their hope right now. We'll see if it comes out in execution. I hope it does, because having some armor and health fixes at the same time would be beautiful.

I'd love it, but what does this mean for future armor? Well, depending on community feedback on adaptive armor, we will consider adding more variants of it with different amounts of chunks while remaining fairly flexible in how we design future armor. One example is that we can have armor that always generates the first chunk or a mix of regular and adaptive armor chunks.

I'm assuming it's going to take you to the feature-up vote page. Yeah, so again, this is still a page that hasn't had any actual feedback as things have been done on here, so I would like to see that start to get things. I mean, for example, you can now you can't un ready in the lobby. So, yeah.

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I mean, you can unready now, so that should be ticked off as done, so I hope they start to tick things off when they're actually done to make it more aware that they are responding to this site. But yeah, so you can let them know if you have any extra feedback, but there you go. That's everything to say about adaptive armor from Dev Blog Number 2, definitely a much better blog than the first one, giving some proper insights, and I'm glad Mi was able to explain it in more detail and offer all the information there.

I think the blog could have done with saying that it was going to be in the next update. I had to confirm that to make sure that information was true, it should have been in the blog only because if you've got information to offer that will make people happy, it should be in there, but that's just me being a little bit of a nitpicker.

As far as I'm concerned, I know this is probably an update they had ready before operation medic bag, but you announce a big thing to kind of say you're fixing the game. You want to make the game more enjoyable so more people come back and have fun. That update yesterday wasn't going to achieve that, so for me, as the first update, it wasn't a good start.

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However, I knew in the back of my head, as I mentioned in the article, that big things were coming, and this kind of update with this kind of stuff will hopefully be a lot better and be proper. Big bash forward from this operation, so fingers crossed we see it all very soon, and also just slipping this in afterwards in the middle of me editing.

That's why yesterday with the skills thing. I am sorry I didn't go over those in the article, but as I said in the article. I haven't played the game enough recently to be able to comment on it with any level of detail, and that was something I was very conscious of. I knew there would be other articles that have gone into it in more detail, and I didn't want to offer some subpar explanation.

To kind of try and compete with that, I figured I wasn't going to know it. I'll leave that bit out and let people read over it if they want. It's a very rare exception; it ain't going to happen in any other articles. It's just that right now I'm not playing the game to comment on it by the time the next update comes out.


If it's got as much stuff in it here as it's saying it's going to and hoping it's going to, then I'll have much more to say and hopefully won't have any knowledge.

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