Payday 3 News: Huge Strike Team Announcements At Last


Okay, again, very vague, but until these features are implemented, the current matchmaking will be supported by quick-play functionality. To ensure you can reliably play with other players later in the year, we're looking to bring back a crime net style server browser. Okay I mean it was in the game files we know they were working on that at one point or another like so that's hopefully not going to be super difficult for them but, who knows I mean saying later in the year that gives them what up to 10 months to get it out so who knows what the kind of trajectory is going to be there there's a lot of vagueness, going on but we will get more information as time goes by and I did read I think later on it says there's going to be a weekly developer blog so I'm hoping that will shed more information and this is just a taste because I'm hearing good things but I do want to know more but that's what happens when you have two months where you hear basically nothing challenge based progression, right what are you cooking here based on your feedback as part for optimization and reliability initiative our current challenge based pick out pression did not achieve the goals we intended, so we've decided to do away with the current system what Al together, the challenge will be removed and will switch to infin progression to be tied to Heist completion.

Progression overhaul


As part of this, all current Heist payout values add scaling per bag to secure the infy points and a new bonus that rewards low-play styles. The existing challenge framework will be redesigned to give cosmetic rewards for hard-core accomplishments. Instead okay so that I mean obviously execution will prove this rather than words I am not under any illusion regarding that but that's completely changing a core gameplay system which they have defended too and nail, since the beta, and have just been trying to tweak it to keep it around so I'm very surprised but quite impressed to be honest that they've just gone you know what will been it people will prefer it without it so very good I would argue just buffing the overall value of the bags and then not having a stealth bonus at all would be better if you're doing it so both have benefits but whatever that's for them to work out but yeah the existing challenging framework being repurposed that suggests that it links to what it said above, about daily activities of rewards so maybe there'll still be like daily challenges again akin to Payday 2 side jobs and that's the most that you'll get in that regard in which case I'm very happy with that I think that's going to be a very good Improvement to Payday 3 although, the people who spent ages grinding those challenges are going to be very sad to hear that.

payday 2

Dear, I don't envy you guys. I don't envy you guys, but either way, in the grand scheme of things, this will be the better call for.

Ui revamp

Ui revamp

The Payday 3 UI revamp is interesting, though we'll be working on creating a more intuitive UI that better explains what's happening around the player, as well as a simplified friends menu and a menu UI that better communicates the heisting.

payday 2 console

We'll be rolling out improvements and eventually a revamp of most of the current UI in 2024. Okay, again, very generic, but intriguing. I mean I maybe I'm on my own here but I don't think pay a3's ingame UI is particularly bad I think it's perfectly fine there are extra things you could do here and there like letting people know what Deployable you have things like that there's definitely ways to improve it I know a lot of people complained about the police assault thing at the top of the screen being too bland, again maybe that's this just me but I wasn't too bothered by that if they do bring back some big red alert thing at the top like the Payday 2 one though you won't hear me complain I will say that much should be perfectly fine if they do change it right so here's the big kicker in addition we intend to deliver on and expand our promises for new content there are three DLCs, still planned for 2024.

New content

payday console

And we intend to add another free heist to Payday 3 in the same period. We will also be rolling out skill lines, cosmetic items, rewards, a free allergy primary, and much more throughout the year. Okay, a couple of questions first off: shouldn't there be four DLC's in 2024? because year one ends in September there's three more dlc's for that and then there's no doubt going to be DLC, in the end of 2024 for the start of year 2 now or is that being scrapped are we spreading things out more is year one going to take us till the end of 2024 now that could do a clarification on top of that another free heist in the same period in 2024, only one free Heist my hope is that that's bad wording and they mean one new original Heist and classic Heist are still going to come in the meantime because if they really drop two free heists in November and then we only get one free Heist throughout 2024, that is going to be quite bad I will just put my cards on the table that's not going to be enough I know they got a lot to fix but just fixing the game you need to do that in tandem with new content and you can't put it all behind DLCs especially considering the next heading the DLC pricing was not very consumer friendly, so.

Intrigued to see what they do with that, however, rolling out skill lines, good cosmetic items, good rewards, good free lmg, primary. So only the confirmation of one weapon again feels like they're maybe promising the bare minimum and I'm hoping they'll deliver above that, but in a way I kind of respect it because if they overpromise and then don't deliver then they're going to get people complaining at them, so whatever an lmg is definitely needed in the game, surprised they go in the primary routes.

payday news

I kind of expect them to go the overkill route with it, but I'm more than happy to receive an lmg Either Way Big lmg enjoyer from Payday 2 here a bit of underselling. I think going on here or maybe it just is the bare minimum and they are maybe internally, without speculating too much cuz I don't like to do that behind the scenes very much cuz I don't know what's going on behind closed doors, but maybe they are a little worried that they're going to spend so much time fixing the game that it's compromising how much free content they can add it's a catch 22 situation people want the game fixed people want new content you got to try and balance it so maybe they're just promising.

Dlc pricing

Dlc pricing

What they know they can do, and hopefully it'll be better than that, but regarding DLC pricing, they've received feedback regarding the DLC pricing not meeting player expectations. And as a result, they're currently reviewing the pricing for upcoming DLCs. This is one that's going to connect to the publisher as well as the developer.

This is going to be a much more business-wide thing; it's probably not the easiest thing to just make an overall change, so I can appreciate them being vague on this one in particular. I really do hope they drop it, but we'll see what happens. They're reviewing it, so that sounds like their way of saying it on the table until they can figure out a proper solution.

So that one I'm not going to read into too much in the game store.

Microtransactions delayed to 2025

payday trailer

Once you're satisfied with the improvements we're intending to make to Payday 3, we'll revisit this topic in 2025. We're talking microtransactions, aren't we? What do you want to know about microtransactions? In case you didn't know until this point, microtransactions.

After 2 months with very little news, Starbreeze's special "strike team" has finally spoken out and announced their plans for Payday 3 in 2024, changing a heap of core game systems and adding more content as the year progresses - I'm here to break EVERYTHING down.
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