Payday 3 News: Huge Strike Team Announcements At Last

red archer

So in-game purchases like v-bucks for Fortnite were leaked for Payday 3 before the game came out; they were leaked to an extent where Starb had to go. Okay, we've seen the leaks; they are coming. But not at launch they'll come later down the line and ever since then it's been in the FAQ they're still going to come at some point and they've not at any point in knowledge they're not going to remove them or they're not going to add them anything like that I'm personally of a mind that they should not add mic contraction to this game the reason being, if you're doing post launch support for a game you pick one of two Avenues you go DLC, or you go micr transactions if you go both your game gets over bloated too many things are behind price tags and it just turns off the average consumer I don't mind micr transactions in a game if they're well executed, they're cosmetic they don't Impact gameplay, and they're not overly you know hard to get hold of like you can earn them in games fortnite for all the people that don't like it I think has executed it very well at least for someone who plays a bit of save the world and can earn v-bucks for free, but most games not managed to do it very well and if you're adding them to pay A3 games or already got DLC.

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It's too much, so I personally would prefer them to just go, you know, we're not adding them, and just finally close the door on it, but again, like DLC pricing. I think the publisher has a bit too much of a say in that. I wonder if Deep Silver Slpl are the ones going, and hey, you got to put the microtransactions in the game. Can you do it can you do it now, so who knows cuz I just in my heart of hearts I know they've not made a very good launch pay A3 and I know star is not a perfect Studio I've got my problems with how excused a lot of things especially in the last 6 months but I genuinely, find it so hard to believe that it's just them on their own being like add micr transactions they know after crimefest 2015 how bad that went for Payday 2 that they shouldn't repeat it so I honestly think that's probably publisher input but regardless the point is it being delayed at all I will take it something is better than nothing I just want a cancellation now overall Unreal Engine 5 we have realate the resources dedicated to the unreal 5 engine update, to instead work on the improvements of the payday 3 experience since the up real Engine 5 update would directly fix the current problems we'll come back to this IC once we are able so, okay this is the least surprising thing in here Unreal Engine 5 was meant to be the upgrade for the engine for pday 3 before the year was out or the F game's first year was out in September.

Unreal engine 5 upgrade delay

Unreal engine 5 upgrade delay

So if you haven't seen it again, Fortnite is a good example. They updated from Engine 4 to Engine 5 for Unreal between chapters 3 and 4 of Fortnite.

Initial focus [part 2]

2024 summer ends in August, so that gives them 6 months to add all these things. We won't go into great detail on any of these topics, but I'll list them here and again.

As you can see, I've read them out before, so you can read them again if you wish, but I'm not going to read through them all again. Six months is a long time for a lot of this stuff to be added, but it depends, you know. The often common argument is that this is a very easy thing to fix, based on what I've read from other studios, Starbreed themselves, and everyone else that makes article games.


I know, in particular, that Larry and you made Boulders Gate 3. Of course, I'm going to mention Boulders Gate 3. I think it is a lot harder behind the scenes than a lot of general players would make it out to be, so maybe some of these features are much more challenging than you might think, but there you go.

So these things we can expect in the next six months, so by the end of summer 2024. So it'll be interesting to come back to this in six months and see if everything has been added.

Payday 3 ama & developer blog next week

Payday 3 ama & developer blog next week

For the latest news, we'll keep your data from the Payday 3 development blog, where information about the mid- and long-term changes will be posted as soon as we have development updates. We'd like to invite you to a Reddit AMA, which's going to be a dumpster fire to answer questions about the content of this post early next week.

More details are coming soon. I'm glad they're doing it, but I really do not envy whoever's going to do that; that is going to be chaos on that Reddit. I mean, if you've seen the payday Discord, you don't need to even question what the Reddit would be like when people are asking questions to Star Brees.

I hope people will be respectful, but my hopes are not high. We're releasing the first of these Payday 3 developer blogs next week, and throughout the year we'll dive into the topics mentioned today to keep you all informed on our progress, so it's not weekly. I thought it might have been weekly, but clearly it isn't.

I don't know, so maybe it's some kind of frequency; maybe it'll be monthly; in fact, it might make more sense for it to be monthly, like the dev update articles they were doing; that would make more sense, but who knows? And lastly, a heartfelt thank you to all heisers who have shown their passion by leaving feedback reviews and comments telling us what payday 3 can and should be signed by the payday 3 team.

I'm out of breath; that's a lot.

Overall thoughts

Reading right so General thoughts I'm not going to go into it too much cuz I've kind of already shared my thoughts going through out but overall conclusions, they are making some very big promises here some very good things and we can sit here and say these things should have been the game for the start these things should have been this way these things should have been that way payday 3 launched it launched badly and they're trying to fix it that's what matters the most here, and as a lot of you know I am always trying to be optimistic I'm always trying to find the positive in things so I will sit here and say that the positive of this they are finally clearly taking the problem seriously they have been dodging them going this feature wasn't in Payday 2 at launch so why would it be in Payday 3 or it's on the, table.

This is actual; okay, we should listen; we're listening, and I greatly appreciate that it isn't enough for me yet, and I doubt it's enough for all of you watching, purely because, as I said earlier, actions speak louder than words. They can make all these promises, but until they deliver on them, I'm going to be very, very disappointed.

After 2 months with very little news, Starbreeze's special "strike team" has finally spoken out and announced their plans for Payday 3 in 2024, changing a heap of core game systems and adding more content as the year progresses - I'm here to break EVERYTHING down.
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