Payday 3 News. New Skill Lines, Buffs & More Confirmed

Also, for favors, you're going to be able to purchase favors directly from the lobby. Thank you, including high-specific favors, but the high-specific ones will likely cost C Stacks, but you can still earn them as drops. Fantastic; literally, no notes for that. I really think high-specific ones are much more beneficial to the heist, obviously, so putting them behind a C-Stack price makes sense as long as it's affordable.

I think five or maybe 10 SE Stacks at most, but honestly. I think going beyond five will be pushing it, depending on how many SE Stacks people have, though it's very much a case of, you know, it's been three months since the game came out and people have had ample chance to build these things up, or should I say stack them up?

I'm so sorry. I know you haven't missed my terrible joke since the new year, but you get the point. I'm going to be interested to see how they try to balance how much they charge for the favors. Who knows, but I hope it's not too much.

"what's being explored": possible future ideas

"what's being explored": possible future ideas

It's my only real fear, and then finally. And it's these seven things new armor type a two chunk armor that does not take permanent damage so it will always regenerate to full, but it has lower damage reduction, you can maintain a chunk forever if you're careful but if it breaks you need to restore it so doesn't regenerate to full it regenerates to full chunk wording there is a little bit a bit off but the idea is you know when you're playing in Pay A3 with standard armor right now you can repair some bits of armor you can see the flashing red section it can come back up if you don't take a hit here it will regenerate the full chunk if you get out of combat and you don't lose that chunk in the meantime.

I like that intrigued, and only fixing it to two chunks of armor is a good penalty, kind of like a balance for having armor that regenerates more like the old Payday 2. I appreciate the additional skill points available at level one, so you would have two skill points when you start the game. I'm assuming that means you that would that increase the skill points by 22, or you would redistributing, where you unlock the points.

Intrig, when we still don't really have much of an energy there as to you know how much money we make per heist there's still an imbalance there as to how much money we get from finishing a particular heist you know there's still the argument that if you speedrun dirty ice twice you get more money than doing the heist full completion once which isn't good, so you really feel like that needs to be looked at more before you start adding favors as payout modifiers but again take what you can get additional base functionality for ammo bags like having it increased armor penetration when used.

Okay, that could be interesting, and then finally, an assassin skill line that focuses on Rush and suppressed weapons. Interesting ideas here, very interesting ideas, but I do think other things could do with more of a focus. I'm still intrigued by the payout thing; that sounds good, but I'd rather focus on just the base payouts right now before you start adding favors to modify things. Let's not run before we can walk in the areas where it matters.



But ladies and gentlemen, that's everything we need to know from today's presentation. As you can see, I've been recording for 15 minutes already, so that sums it up. I don't think I need to discuss anything else in the stream.

I haven't listened; I've been working, so I wanted to get this out as fast as possible. I will try to listen back to the stream very soon, and if there is any interesting information, I'll lump it in with the next article. I will be back next week with another article.

2024 has kicked off for Payday 3 with a new livestream from Lis Mio now the new game director for Payday 3, detailing what to expect from some of Payday 3's upcoming updates - as well as potential content that may release further down the pipeline. Let's break it all down.
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